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Senior Defence of Minister Visits Camp Paradise

SABAH, 22 October 2022 – The Chief of Army (COA), General Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose bin Mohd Zain accompanied the Senior Minister of Defence, Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein to the Community Program at Paradise Camp, Kota Belud today.

The Senior Minister of Defence took the opportunity to deliver welfare donations to Paradise Camp residents who are suffering from health problems. They consist of Corporal Usman bin Munir, brother Jessceko son of Sergeant Jayaffandy bin Jilo, brother Rowenddy son of Bombardier Rodzlie bin Ubing and brother Muhammad Afiq son of Corporal Nazaruddin bin Jamaluddin.

Earlier, the Senior Minister of Defence and COA also had the opportunity to personally see the Exercise STALLION STEEL demonstration and congratulated all those involved for the determination and enthusiasm shown.


He also advised all officers and members on duty in the State of Sabah to continue to maintain morale and always increase the level of preparedness.

Also present to accompany him were the Assistant Chief of Staff for Member Services of the Malaysian Armed Forces Headquarters, Major General Datuk Arman Rumaizi bin Haji Ahmad, the Commander of the Fifth Malaysian Infantry Division, Major General Datuk Abdul Rahman bin A Wahab and the Assistant Chief of Staff for Planning and Development of the Army Headquarters, Major General Ahmad bin Abu Bakar and Senior Army Officers.


Such a program is in line with the Third Pillar of COA’s 28th Supreme Order which is “Preservation of Citizens’ Welfare” where the welfare and well-being of members will continue to be given priority.




SABAH, 22 Oktober 2022 – Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose bin Mohd Zain mengiringi Menteri Kanan Pertahanan, Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein ke Program Ramah Mesra Warga Kem Paradise, Kota Belud hari ini.

Menteri Kanan Pertahanan telah berkesempatan menyampaikan sumbangan kebajikan kepada warga Kem Paradise yang menghidapi masalah kesihatan. Mereka terdiri daripada Koperal Usman bin Munir, adik Jessceko anak kepada Sarjan Jayaffandy bin Jilo, adik Rowenddy anak kepada Bombardier Rodzlie bin Ubing dan adik Muhammad Afiq anak kepada Koperal Nazaruddin bin Jamaluddin.


Terdahulu, Menteri Kanan Pertahanan dan PTD turut berkesempatan melihat sendiri demonstrasi Eksesais Stallion Steel dan merakamkan ucapan TAHNIAH kepada semua yang terlibat atas kesungguhan dan semangat yang ditunjukkan.

Beliau turut menasihatkan semua pegawai dan anggota yang bertugas di Negeri Sabah agar terus mengekalkan moral dan senantiasa meningkatkan tahap kesiapsiagaan.

Turut hadir mengiringi adalah Asisten Ketua Staf Perkhidmatan Anggota Markas Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, Mejar Jeneral Datuk Arman Rumaizi bin Haji Ahmad, Panglima Divisyen Kelima Infantri Malaysia, Mejar Jeneral Datuk Abdul Rahman bin A Wahab dan Asisten Ketua Staf Perancangan dan Pembangunan Markas Tentera Darat, Mejar Jeneral Ahmad bin Abu Bakar serta Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan Tentera Darat.

Program sebegini seiring dengan Tonggak Ketiga Perintah Ulung PTD Ke-28 iaitu “Pelestarian Kesejahteraan Warga” di mana keperluan kebajikan dan kesejahteraan anggota akan terus diberikan keutamaan.
