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EC725 Crew and PASKAU Successfully Conducted AirTEP Training

The Cargo Sling System with Human Load training for the EC 725 AP aircraft using the Airborne Tactical Extraction Platform (AirTEP) has been successfully carried out by the RMAF involving a total of 105 participants from No 5 Sqn, No 10 Sqn, the RMAF Regimental Headquarters and an EC 725 AP aircraft from No 10 Sqn. The exercise involving the Kuantan Air Base and RMN Tanjung Gelang lasted for four (4) days starting from 17 Oct 22 and ending on 20 Oct 22.

The training, held for the first time, is aimed to provide training and exposure to the RMAF Special Forces (PASKAU) and EC 725 AP aircraft crew to the operation of AirTEP for Helicopter Insertion and Extraction (HIE) operations. This training has also involved trainers from the manufacturing company Escape International, France and was also participated by trainers from the company Priority 1 Air Rescue, France who have expertise in handling these tools.

This four (4) day training also involves 2 phases which are on land and at sea. For training on land, trainees were exposed to the operation of these tools in open and closed areas (confined areas) and were given exposure related to emergency procedures during the operation of these tools.

The training phase at sea started with training at the Sultan Ahmad Shah Maritime Academy (AMSAS) swimming pool to give exposure to PASKAU related to procedures for operating the AirTEP while in the water. The sea exercise was carried out with the help of the Royal Malaysian Navy in the waters of Tg Gelang Kuantan.

Overall, this exercise has successfully achieved the objectives that have been outlined and at the same time has also successfully improved the crew’s skills and the EC 725 aircraft’s ability to ensure the readiness of the RMAF to carry out operations in the future.


Latihan Cargo Sling System with Human Load bagi pesawat EC 725 AP menggunakan Airborne Tactical Extraction Platform (AirTEP) telah berjaya dilaksanakan oleh TUDM melibatkan seramai 105 orang peserta dari No 5 skn, No 10 Skn, Markas Rejimen TUDM serta sebuah pesawat EC 725 AP dari No 10 Skn. Latihan yang dilaksanakan melibatkan Pangkalan Udara Kuantan dan TLDM Tanjung Gelang ini telah berlangsung selama empat (4) hari bermula dari 17 Okt 22 dan berakhir pada 20 Okt 22.

Latihan yang julung kali diadakan ini bertujuan untuk memberi latihan dan pendedahan kepada Pasukan Khas TUDM (PASKAU) dan anak kapal pesawat EC 725 AP berkaitan pengoperasian AirTEP sebagai role equipment untuk operasi Helicopter Insertion and Extraction (HIE). Latihan ini juga telah melibatkan jurulatih dari syarikat pengeluar iaitu Escape International, France dan turut disertai oleh jurulatih dari syarikat Priority 1 Air Rescue, France yang mempunyai kepakaran dalam pengendalian alatan ini.

Latihan selama empat (4) hari ini juga turut melibatkan 2 fasa iaitu di darat dan di laut. Untuk latihan di darat, pelatih telah didedahkan dengan pengoperasian alatan ini di tempat terbuka dan tempat tertutup (confine area) serta diberi pendedahan berkaitan emergency procedure semasa pengoperasian alatan ini. Fasa latihan di laut pula dimulakan dengan latihan di kolam renang Akademi Maritim Sultan Ahmad Shah (AMSAS) untuk memberi pendedahan kepada PASKAU berkaitan tatacara mengendalikan AirTEP ini semasa di dalam air. Latihan laut pula telah dilaksanakan dengan bantuan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia di perairan Tg Gelang Kuantan.

Secara keseluruhannya, latihan yang dilaksanakan ini telah berjaya mencapai objektif yang telah digariskan dan pada masa yang sama turut berjaya meningkatkan kemahiran anak kapal serta keupayaan pesawat EC 725 di dalam memastikan kesiagaan TUDM untuk melaksanakan operasi pada masa akan datang.
