Mindef Cancels Five Procurements, Carries Out Open Tender MY ATM 19th January 202320th January 2023 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 – The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) has cancelled 5 procurements involving supplies and services and infrastructure projects to be implemented through open tender. MINDEF in a statement today informed that it has implemented the acquisition of assets through open tender as required for all three services (Malaysian Army, Royal Malaysian Navy and Royal Malaysian Air Force). He explained that it was implemented to prevent leakages in expenditure on the process. “Starting in 2023, 5 procurements involving supplies and services as well as infrastructure projects have been cancelled and will be implemented through open tender, “This is in line with the current government policy which prioritizes transparency and value for money,” said the statement on Thursday. Adding to the statement, MINDEF has taken serious note of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s statement regarding the leakage of expenditure delivered at the 2023 National Budget Dialogue Council last Tuesday. At the same time, MINDEF insists that it will not compromise with any leakage during procurement to parties who commit misconduct for personal gain. “MINDEF will also not hesitate to report any leaks and non-transparency in the procurement process to the authorities,” explained MINDEF again. Like this:Like Loading... Related