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Chief of Army Receives Courtesy Call from Singapore 3 Division Commander

LANGKAWI, 23 May 2023 – The Chief of Army (PTD), General Datuk Seri Muhammad bin Ab Rahman received a courtesy call from the Commander 3rd Division Singapore Army, Brigadier General Goh Pei Ming at the Office of the Chief of Army, Mahsuri International Exhibition Center (MIEC) on today.

The courtesy visit session aims to discuss aspects of bilateral cooperation in the field of military training as well as strengthen the close relationship between the two countries’ military defence.

The defence cooperation between the Malaysian Army (TDM) and the Army of the Republic of Singapore (TDRS) has been established for a long time and will continue to be strengthened under the Five Power Defense Arrangements (FPDA) and bilateral activities in line with the Fourth Core of the 29th Chief of Army which is “Strengthening International Relations” which focuses on empowering the Army in the aspect of operational art and design that covers the concept of the operational environment of various domains through defense diplomacy.

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LANGKAWI, 23 Mei 2023 – Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Datuk Seri Muhammad bin Ab Rahman telah menerima kunjungan hormat daripada Commander 3rd Division Singapore Army, Brigadier General Goh Pei Ming di Pejabat Panglima Tentera Darat, Mahsuri International Exhibition Centre (MIEC) pada hari ini.

Sesi kunjungan hormat tersebut bertujuan membincangkan aspek kerjasama dua hala dalam bidang latihan ketenteraan serta mengukuhkan jalinan erat hubungan pertahanan ketenteraan antara kedua buah negara.

Kerjasama pertahanan di antara Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) dan Tentera Darat Republik Singapura (TDRS) telah lama terjalin dan akan terus diperkasakan di bawah Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) dan aktiviti-aktiviti bilateral sejajar dengan Teras Keempat Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-29 iaitu “Pengukuhan Hubungan Antarabangsa” yang menumpukan kepada memperkasakan Tentera Darat dalam aspek operational art and design yang meliputi konsep persekitaran operasi pelbagai domain melalui jalinan diplomasi pertahanan.



