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17 RMR (Para) Rapid Deployment Force Basic  Course Closing Ceremony

MELAKA: A total of 9 officers and 106 members of Other Ranks from various Corps under the auspices of 10 Bde (Para) were involved in the Closing Ceremony of the Rapid Deployment Force Basic Course (APAC) Series 2/2023 which was witnessed by the Commander of 10 Bde  (Para), Maj Gen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal on 13 June 2023 at Battle Station EAGLE, 17 RMR (Para).

The course organized by the 17th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (Para) was conducted to test the level of mental and physical endurance of each officer and member in order to meet the criteria of the profile of Paratroopers in addition to providing basic exposure to the role and tasks of the Rapid Deployment Force (PAC) in 10 Bde (Para). In addition, this course also emphasizes the spirit of esprit de corps which is the concept of Airborne Brotherhood among the students.

This course lasts for four weeks from 8 May to 13 June 2023, including Camp and Field Phases where students are tested with five main disciplines, namely Climbing Mount Ledang, Directional Guidance, Force March 40 km, Life Effort and Rowing.

Implementation of the Closing Ceremony of the APAC Course with the concept of Raid on Objective through Air Insertion – Fast Roping, Recon Op and then the attack on Obj PEGASUS with the help of direct fire from Btn (Para) Komp. Next Extraction and get ready to reset.

The highlight of the closing ceremony was the Awarding of Maroon Berets and “Blood Wings” to successful course students. The Commander of 10 Bgd (Para) wished well and congratulated all the students for their tenacity and persistence in going through the APAC Course this time. The best overall claimant was won by 1211364 Pbt Mohamad Alif Shafik Aman Shah from 17 RMR (Para). While the Best Endurance Award went to Lt M Muhammad Azwan Solgiatman (3016843) from 17 RMR (Para) and the Best Physical Award went to 1213501 Rjr Mac Bewsher Anak David from 8 RRR (Para).

Rapid Deployment  Force Basic Course (APAC)

The ceremony ended with the symbolic handing over of the PEGASUS Flag by CO 17 RMR (Para) to Assistant CO 9 RMR (Para) as the organizing team of the APAC Course for the upcoming series.



MELAKA: Seramai 9 pegawai dan 106 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) dari pelbagai Kor di bawah naungan 10 Bgd (Para) telah terlibat dalam upacara Penutup Kursus Asas Pasukan Aturgerak Cepat (APAC) Siri 2/2023 yang disempurnakan oleh Panglima 10 Bgd (Para), Mej Jen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal pada 13 Jun 2023 bertempat di Battle Station EAGLE, 17 RAMD (Para).

Kursus anjuran Batalion Ke-17 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (Para) ini dilaksanakan bagi menguji tahap ketahanan mental dan fizikal setiap pegawai dan anggota agar menepati kriteria profil warga Paratroopers di samping memberikan pendedahan asas kepada peranan serta tugas Pasukan Aturgerak Cepat (PAC) dalam 10 Bgd (Para). Di samping itu, kursus ini juga menekankan semangat esprit de corps yang berkonsepkan Airborne Brotherhood dalam kalangan penuntut.

Kursus ini berlangsung selama empat minggu mulai 8 Mei hingga 13 Jun 2023 merangkumi Fasa Kem dan Medan di mana penuntut diuji dengan lima disiplin utama iaitu Mendaki Gunung Ledang, Pandu Arah, Force March 40 km, Ikhtiar Hidup dan Mendayung.

Pelaksanaan Upacara Penutup Kursus APAC yang berkonsep Raid on Objective melalui Air Insertion – Fast Roping, Recon Op dan seterusnya serangan ke atas Obj PEGASUS dengan bantuan tembakan langsung daripada Komp Btn (Para). Seterusnya Extraction dan bersiap sedia untuk diaturgerakkan semula.

Kemuncak upacara penutup adalah Penganugerahan Beret Merun dan Sayap Berdarah kepada penuntut kursus yang berjaya. Panglima 10 Bgd (Para) mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada semua penuntut di atas kecekalan dan kegigihan dalam mengharungi Kursus APAC pada kali ini. Penuntut Keseluruhan terbaik telah disandang oleh 1211364 Pbt Mohamad Alif Shafik Aman Shah dari 17 RAMD (Para). Manakala Anugerah Ketabahan Terbaik telah disandang oleh Lt M Muhammad Azwan Solgiatman (3016843) dari 17 RAMD (Para) dan Anugerah Jasmani Terbaik disandang oleh 1213501 Rjr Mac Bewsher Anak David dari 8 RRD (Para).

Upacara diakhiri dengan simbolik penyerahan Bendera PEGASUS oleh Peg Mem 17 RAMD (Para) kepada Penolong Peg Mem 9 RAMD (Para) selaku pasukan penganjur Kursus APAC untuk siri akan datang.





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