Kuala Terengganu, 22 June 23 – The Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) has conducted Exercise JERUNG EMAS Series 69/2023 (EJE 69/23) from 13 to 20 June 2023. The exercise involving ATM and PETRONAS was carried out at the Dulang B Platform located at off the coast of Terengganu. EJE 69/23 involved a total of 121 ATM participants and 124 PETRONAS participants.

Exercises with the theme of dealing with the crisis of terrorism through joint special operations to save oil rigs facing threats are carried out in the form of Field Training Exercise (FTX), with the concept of conducting raids and rescuing hostages by the ATM Combat Team (PASKAL, GGK and PASKAU). From the aspect of control and procedure, this exercise aims to test the Emergency Respond Plan (ERP) of the oil rig operator Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB) and the response of related government agencies in accordance with NSC Directive No. 18.

The Closing Ceremony of EJE 69/23 was held on 20 June 23 at Pelantar Dulang B which was completed by the Commander of the Joint Forces, Lieutenant General Dato’ Noor Mohamad Akmar bin Mohd Dom TUDM. Also present was Assistant Chief of Staff J3 Major General Nur Hafis bin Abd Karim TUDM as well as senior officers of ATM and PETRONAS.



Kuala Terengganu, 22 Jun 23 – Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) telah melaksanakan Eksesais Jerung Emas Siri 69/2023 (EJE 69/23) mulai 13 sehingga 20 Jun 2023. Eksesais yang melibatkan ATM dan PETRONAS ini dilaksanakan di Pelantar Dulang B yang terletak di luar pesisir pantai Terengganu. EJE 69/23 melibatkan seramai 121 peserta ATM dan 124 peserta PETRONAS.

Eksesais yang bertemakan menangani krisis keganasan menerusi operasi khas secara bersama bagi menyelamatkan pelantar minyak yang berdepan dengan ancaman dilaksanakan dalam bentuk Field Training Exercise (FTX), dengan konsep pelaksanaan serbuan serta menyelamat tebusan oleh Pasukan Penggempur ATM (PASKAL, GGK dan PASKAU). Dari aspek kawalan dan prosedur pula, eksesais ini bertujuan untuk menguji Emergency Respond Plan (ERP) operator pelantar minyak iaitu Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB) dan tindak balas agensi kerajaan berkaitan selaras dengan Arahan MKN No. 18.

Upacara Penutup EJE 69/23 telah dilaksanakan pada 20 Jun 23 di Pelantar Dulang B yang disempurnakan oleh Panglima Angkatan Bersama, Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Noor Mohamad Akmar bin Mohd Dom TUDM. Turut hadir Asisten Ketua Staf J3 Mejar Jeneral Nur Hafis bin Abd Karim TUDM serta pegawai-pegawai kanan ATM dan PETRONAS.




Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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