Exercise ANGSA 14/23 Officially Begins in Lumut Base Ops & Training 2nd August 20233rd August 2023 Lumut, 2 August – The largest joint exercise between the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) of the year has now officially started yesterday, 1 August 2023. Present to complete the event was Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Rahman bin Ayob , Chief of Navy. General Tan Sri Datuk Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman, Chief of Army and General Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan RMAF, Chief of Air Force also attended the ceremony held at the Venus Auditorium, Education and Training Headquarters. EX ANGSA was last conducted in 2021 with the concept of Staff Exercise (STAFFEX), which is the implementation of exercises without the involvement of assets. RMN in this year’s organization has highlighted the 3P aspects of People, Process and Platform in carrying out the Field Training Exercise (FTX). A total of 304 personnel from both groups started the harbor phase program last 28 July. Among the main content that has been conducted is a series of learning and teaching from various ‘Subject Matter Experts’ or experts in certain fields such as; Samudera Medik – Sharing by medical experts regarding emergency first aid and patient treatment actions geared towards war/operational situations. This partnership has been overseen by the Royal Health Corps (KKD) serving at the Lumut and Kota Kinabalu Armed Forces Hospitals (HAT). The health team will also be involved as a Medical Afloat Support Team (AST) on ships when the sea phase begins. Logistics Conference – Western Logistics Headquarters has brought together all officers with Engineering/Technical and Supply/Secretariat expertise in ensuring the objectives and role of logistics in supporting the success of the exercise are achieved. The discussion and sharing session emphasized sustainable logistics operations as well as proactive and effective measures in solving problems related to ship operations that could threaten the fleet’s readiness, especially when operating at sea. AST Logistik also follows the voyage of RMN ships in the next phase to provide early assistance when facing any logistics-related incident at sea. Marine Science Briefing, MKMA, Warfare & Communication – Various learning and teaching sessions focusing on the implementation of evolution at sea were also held around RMN units/ships over the course of 4 days at Lumut Naval Base. With a focus on ‘refresh and react’, the Headquarters Preparedness Division as well as SME Executives/Seafarers took the initiative to train citizens by sharing knowledge and practice while at the port. This also aims to minimize any non-compliance with procedures and equipment handling during the evolution at sea later. Air Operations Briefing – This briefing session was supervised by the RMN M Air Headquarters together with the RMAF and focused on air operations involving aircraft/helicopters and ships. The sharing session that has been carried out relies on safety in compliance with Winching training procedures, Deck Landing Training and explanation of Maritime Air Defense Operating Procedures. Command Team Training (CTT) – This session has involved all officers involved in the highest hierarchy or ‘Command Team’ in a ship in preparation for maritime warfare. CTT is also implemented with the aim of being an advisor to the Commanding Officer and the ‘Command Team’ to make the best assessment and decision when facing threats in future operations. Combat Fitness Challenge (CFC) – The challenge of agility and ability of the Naval Special Forces (PASKAL) was also carried out in this series of exercises. The three disciplines in maritime special operations, namely water physics, land physics and marksmanship have become the essence of this CFC. It was successfully completed by 42 participants who went through six elements of the continuous competition starting with Cycling and Combat Swimming, Combat Marching and Combat Compass and ending with Shooting. Various other programs that support the essence of this port phase have taken place. The Pre-Saving Briefing, and the Main Exercise Briefing are among the main ones and are the focus for all citizens regardless of rank and role. Next, the credibility and capabilities of citizens and assets will continue to be tested with the Force Integration Training phase around the Malacca Straits and the South China Sea. Hopefully the exact commitment from all the exercise participants will result in success for this exercise series. Like this:Like Loading... Related