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Exercise PACIFIC AIRLIFT RALLY 2023 Expertise Sharing and Partnership

PHILIPPINES, The 2nd day of the Pacific Airlift Rally (PAR) Exercise 2023 continues with the Table Top Exercise (TTX). The participants were given briefings related to Demographics, Center Gravity Analysis, HADR Situation, Update Planning Guidance, Role of Public Affairs, Medical Planning Consideration and Operational Planning Considerations. In the implementation of this exercise, the Coalition Commander Mission Statement, Coalition Command & Control and Civilian/Military Operation Center are involved.

In addition, the Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) Aircraft Maintenance involving three (3) air forces namely RMAF, PAF and USAF today became a platform for sharing opinions related to Air Conditioning, Aircraft Cabin Pressurization. Flight Sergeant Muhammad Hafizzudin bin Mohammed Noor, a member of Aeromech-Engine craftsmanship from No.20 Skn had the opportunity to share his experiences related to Engine Trouble Shooting and Procedure C130H Model.

For Medical SMEE, Maj. Dr. Adif Faidz bin Daud from the Institute of Aviation Medicine (IPP) also had the opportunity to share experiences and discuss related matters such as Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), Mass Casualties (MASCAL) and Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) with participants from the USAF and PAF.

As a result of the planning and commitment of the C130H crew and the Airlift Section (SHU) crew, the RMAF successfully dropped two Low Cost Low Altitude (LCLA) payloads at DZ Royce, Santa Rosa.

The PAR 23 exercise this time is seen as one of the best platforms for officers and members to share opinions, experiences and skills between the countries involved.


FILIPINA, Eksesais Pacific Airlift Rally (PAR) 2023 hari ke-2 ini diteruskan dengan Table Top Exercise (TTX). Para peserta telah diberikan taklimat berkaitan Demographic, Centre Gravity Analysis, HADR Situation, Update Planning Guidance, Role of Public Affairs, Medical Planning Consideration dan Operational Planning Considerations.

Dalam pelaksanaan eksesais ini melibatkan Coalition Commander Mission Statement, Coalition Command & Control dan Civilian/Military Operation Center.Selain itu, Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) Aircraft Maintenance melibatkan tiga (3) angkatan udara iaitu TUDM, PAF dan USAF hari ini menjadi platform pengkongsian pendapat berkaitan Air Conditioning, Aircraft Cabin Pressurization. Flait Sarjan Muhammad Hafizzudin bin Mohammed Noor, anggota ketukangan Aeromech-Engine dari No.20 Skn berpeluang berkongsi pengalamanan berkaitan Engine Trouble Shooting and Procedure C130H Model.

Bagi Medical SMEE, Mej Dr. Adif Faidz bin Daud dari Institut Perubatan Penerbangan (IPP) pula telah berpeluang berkongsi pengalaman serta berbincang mengenai hal berkaitan iaitu Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), Mass Casualties (MASCAL) dan Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) bersama peserta-peserta dari USAF dan PAF.

Hasil daripada perancangan serta komitmen anak kapal pesawat C130H dan krew Seksyen Hantaran Udara (SHU), TUDM berjaya melaksanakan pengguguran dua muatan Low Cost Low Altitude (LCLA) di DZ Royce, Santa Rosa.

Eksesais PAR 23 pada kali ini dilihat sebagai salah satu platform terbaik bagi pegawai dan anggota berkongsi pendapat, pengalaman dan kemahiran di antara negara-negara yang terlibat.

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