CANBERRA, 23 November 2023 – Air Operations Commander, Lt Gen Datuk Mohd Shahada bin Ismail RMAF, and Air Commander Australia (ACAUST), AVM Glen Braz, co-chaired the 15th series of Bilateral Air Staff Talks between the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) from November 22 to 24, 2023, at Russel Office, Canberra, Australia.

The MAF delegation accompanying the Air Operations Commander included Col Hasfa Nyzam bin Abdul Hamid MAF, ACOS A7 Air Ops HQ as a member, and Lt Col Rosmal bin Abd Malek MAF, PS1 Air Cooperation Alpha MTU-BOS, as the Joint Secretary. Also present were Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) officers from the Malaysian High Commission in Canberra, namely Col Mahamad Fazli bin Mat Idris, Defence Advisor, and Maj Sherlyna binti Salleh, Assistant Defence Advisor.

The main objective of the meeting on 23 November was to plan and coordinate future initiatives to ensure the smooth and beneficial continuation of defence cooperation programs between the MAF and RAAF. This bilateral meeting also served as a platform for information exchange, sharing perspectives, and strengthening the existing defense cooperation between the leadership, officers, and members of the MAF and RAAF. In addition, the MAF and RAAF delegations successfully planned programs covering operational and exercise planning, training, personnel/member exchanges, and visitation programs.

At the end of the meeting session, both co-chairs expressed hope that the strong relationship between the two air forces would continue for mutual benefit and contribute to regional security. After the meeting, the MAF delegation visited the Parliament area before lunch and participated in the signing of the meeting minutes at the Australian Defence College Weston Creek, Canberra. The Air Operations Commander also had the opportunity to meet and interact with MAF officers undergoing courses there. In the afternoon, the MAF delegation witnessed the RAAF’s military tradition, the Last Post Ceremony, held at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra.

The next day, the MAF delegation visited RAAF Williamtown Air Base. The delegation’s arrival was welcomed and accompanied by Base Commander Williamtown, Group Captain Anthony Stainton, who provided briefings at the visited locations, including the 4 Squadron Special Force, Air Warfare School, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group (SRG), and the newly built Air Traffic Control complex. The Air Operations Commander had the opportunity to meet with Air Commodore Nathan Christie, Commander SRG, who is also slated to become the Commander of Headquarters Integrated Area Defence System (HQIADS).


CANBERRA, 23 Nov 23 – Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Datuk Mohd Shahada bin Ismail TUDM dan Air Commander Australia (ACAUST), AVM Glen Braz telah mempengerusikan bersama Mesyuarat Bilateral Air Staff Talks Siri 15/23 di antara Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) dan Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) pada 22 hingga 24 Nov 23 di Russel Office, Canberra, Australia.

Delegasi TUDM yang mengiringi Panglima Operasi Udara dalam mesyuarat tersebut adalah Kol Hasfa Nyzam bin Abdul Hamid TUDM, AKS A7 MPOU selaku ahli dan Lt Kol Rosmal bin Abd Malek TUDM, PS1 Kerjasama Udara Alpha MTU-BOS selaku Setiausaha Bersama. Turut serta adalah pegawai ATM dari MALAWAKIL di Canberra iaitu Kol Mahamad Fazli bin Mat Idris, Penasihat Pertahanan dan Mej Sherlyna binti Salleh, Penolong Penasihat Pertahanan.

Objektif utama mesyuarat pada 23 November adalah untuk merancang dan mengkoordinasi inisiatif masa hadapan bagi memastikan program kerjasama pertahanan antara TUDM dan RAAF berjalan lancar dan bermanfaat kepada kedua-dua pihak. Mesyuarat bilateral ini juga merupakan platform bagi peluang pertukaran maklumat dan perkongsian pandangan selain daripada mengeratkan hubungan kerjasama pertahanan yang sedia terjalin baik di antara kepimpinan serta pegawai juga anggota TUDM dan RAAF. Di samping itu, delegasi TUDM dan RAAF telah berjaya merencanakan program meliputi perancangan operasi dan eksesais, latihan, pertukaran pegawai/anggota serta program lawatan.

Di akhir sesi mesyuarat, kedua-dua pengerusi bersama menyatakan harapan agar hubungan baik kedua-dua angkatan udara ini dapat diteruskan demi kebaikan bersama serta membantu memperkukuh keamanan serantau. Setelah selesai acara mesyuarat, delegasi TUDM telah dibawa berkunjung ke kawasan Parlimen sebelum jamuan makan tengah hari dan acara menandatangani minit mesyuarat di Australian Defence College Weston Creek, Canberra. Panglima Operasi Udara turut berkesempatan bertemu dan menyantuni pegawai-pegawai ATM yang sedang menjalani kursus di situ. Pada sebelah petangnya, delegasi TUDM telah dibawa menyaksikan acara tradisi ketenteraan RAAF iaitu Last Post Ceremony bertempat di Australia War Memorial, Canberra.

Pada hari berikutnya, delegasi TUDM telah dibawa melawat ke Pangkalan Udara RAAF Williamtown. Ketibaan delegasi TUDM telah disambut dan diiringi oleh Komander Pangkalan Williamtown, Group Captain Anthony Stainton melawat serta turut diberi taklimat di lokasi yang dilawati iaitu di 4 Squadron Special Force, Air Warfare School, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group (SRG) dan kompleks Air Traffic Control yang baharu dibina. Panglima Operasi Udara telah berkesempatan bertemu dengan Air Commodore Nathan Christie, Commander SRG yang juga bakal pengganti sebagai Commander Headquarters Integrated Area Defence System (HQIADS).

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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