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Chief of Staff Administration Handover Ceremony Marks Transition in Royal Malaysian Air Force

In a ceremony held at Eagle Nest, Air Force Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur, the handover of duties for the position of Assistant Chief of Staff (ACOS) Administration took place between Air Brigadier General Hj Baharudin bin Hj Abu Hasan RMAF and Brigadier General Junairi bin Baharom RMAF on 2 February 2024.

The event, witnessed by Deputy Chief of Air Force, Lieutenant General Datuk Seri Hj Muhamad Norazlan bin Aris RMAF, was attended by senior RMAF officers and officials from the Administration Branch.

The entire RMAF community extends congratulations to Brigadier General Junairi bin Baharom RMAF on his appointment as the new ACOS Administration, expressing gratitude to Brigadier General Hj Baharudin bin Hj Abu Hasan RMAF for his dedicated service and contributions throughout his tenure, including his last role as ACOS Administration.


KUALA LUMPUR, 2 Feb 24 – Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Asisten Ketua Staf (AKS) Tadbir telah berlangsung di antara Brig Jen Hj Baharudin bin Hj Abu Hasan TUDM dengan Brig Jen Junairi bin Baharom TUDM, hari ini.

Acara serah terima tugas yang diadakan di Eagle Nest, Markas Tentera Udara telah disaksikan oleh Timbalan Panglima Tentera Udara (TPTU), Lt Jen Datuk Seri Hj Muhamad Norazlan bin Aris TUDM serta turut dihadiri oleh Pegawai-pegawai Kanan TUDM yang lain serta Pegawai-pegawai Kanan dari Cawangan Tadbir.

Seluruh warga TUDM merakamkan ucapan tahniah kepada Brig Jen Junairi bin Baharom TUDM atas pelantikan sebagai AKS Tadbir yang baharu dan terima kasih kepada Brig Jen Hj Baharudin bin Hj Abu Hasan TUDM di atas khidmat bakti serta sumbangan yang telah dicurahkan sepanjang berkhidmat sehingga ke jawatan terakhir sebagai AKS Tadbir.

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