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Malaysian Peacekeepers in Lebanon Safe Following Reports of Detention of UN Armoured Vehicle

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin has provided assurance regarding the safety of Malaysian peacekeepers participating in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

This statement follows reports of a UNIFIL armoured vehicle, purportedly transporting Malaysian peacekeepers, being detained by residents and subsequently handed over to Hezbollah fighters in the Hay al-Sellom area of Dahiyeh, south of Beirut. Mohamed Khaled briefly addressed the situation, promising further details in a subsequent official statement.

Despite conflicting information, the Defence Security Asia (DSA) portal, citing Lebanese media, emphasized that the incident occurred outside the designated UNIFIL operational area. Additionally, the Arabic-language news portal, Lubnan Al-Modon, released a video depicting the interior of the detained vehicle, showcasing personal items belonging to the peacekeepers and highlighting the words ‘Cendana Auto’ on the steering wheel.

Joint Forces Command is responsible for coordinating operational needs and missions under the United Nations. The unfolding situation raises concerns about the safety and security of UNIFIL peacekeepers, prompting a closer examination of the circumstances surrounding the reported detention of the armoured vehicle.

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