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Exercise TIGER STRIKE 2024 Concludes with Enhanced Military Cooperation in Terengganu

TERENGGANU: The Closing Ceremony of Exercise Tiger Strike 2024 was officiated by the Deputy Chief of the Army (Dy COA), Lieutenant General Dato’ Tengku Mohd Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim, in a parade at Aslan’s Urban Competency Area (AUCA), 18th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (Para) (18 RMR (Para)) on 5 June 2024.

In this exercise, the 10th Brigade (Para) (10 Bde (Para)) was tasked with conducting the training alongside the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (15th MEU) and USS SOMERSET in the general area of Kuala Terengganu.

Held from 29 May to 7 June 2024, the exercise was based on Amphibious Operations and Air Assault Operations involving troops from 10 Bde (Para) of the Malaysian Army (TDM), KD Terengganu and PASKAL from the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN), and No 10 Squadron from the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), aligning with the 10 Bde (Para)’s Blueprint Way Forward.

The Dy COA stated that this year’s Exercise Tiger Strike successfully achieved its objectives, which included fostering camaraderie, strengthening military relations, and enhancing understanding between the two nations, particularly in the execution of Amphibious and Air Assault Operations. This indirectly increased interoperability and professionalism between the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) and the United States Forces (USF).

Additionally, the exercise served as a medium for exchanging knowledge, skills, experiences, and expertise between the two forces.

The activities aligned with the Second and Fifth Pillars of the 30th Chief of Army directive, namely Joint Warfare Innovation and Defence Diplomacy Shift, as demonstrated through this bilateral exercise between the MAF and USF.

Also in attendance were Commodore Amphibious Squadron 5 (CPR-5), Captain James Robinson, Commander 10 Bde (Para), Major General Dato’ Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal, Assistant Chief of Staff Operations and Training, Major General Dato’ Hj Semaon Hj Marjuki, Defence Attaché, Captain Pasit Somboonpakron, Commanding Officer of Combat Logistics Battalion 15th, Lieutenant Colonel LE Mathwick, and Commander of the 8th Malaysian Infantry Brigade, Brigadier General Muzamil Hj Ali.

Eks Tiger Strike 2024 Labuhkan Tirai

TERENGGANU: Upacara Penutup Eksesais Tiger Strike 2024 telah disempurnakan oleh Timbalan Panglima Tentera Darat (TPTD), Lt Jen Dato’ Tengku Mohd Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim dalam satu upacara perbarisan di Aslan’s Urban Competency Area (AUCA), Batalion Ke-18 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (Para) (18 RAMD (Para)) pada 5 Jun 2024.

Pada eksesais kali ini, Briged Ke-10 (Para) (10 Bgd (Para)) telah diberi tanggungjawab bagi melaksanakan latihan ini bersama 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (15th MEU) dan USS SOMERSET di Kawasan Am Kuala Terengganu.

Eksesais yang dilaksanakan mulai 29 Mei sehingga 7 Jun 2024 berkonsepkan Operasi Amphibious dan Operasi Air Assault melibatkan trup dari 10 Bgd (Para) dari TDM, KD Terengganu dan PASKAL dari TLDM dan No 10 Skn dari TUDM sejajar dengan Blueprint Way Forward 10 Bgd (Para).

TPTD menyatakan bahawa pelaksanaan Eks Tiger Strike tahun ini berjaya mencapai objektif yang telah digariskan iaitu menyemai kebersamaan, mengeratkan hubungan ketenteraan dan persefahaman antara dua negara terutama yang menjurus kepada pelaksanaan Operasi Amfibi dan Operasi Air Assault dimana secara tidak langsung meningkatkan interoperabiliti dan profesionalisme antara Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dan United States Force (USF).

Selain itu, eksesais ini juga menjadi medium pertukaran pengetahuan, kemahiran, pengalaman dan kepakaran antara kedua-dua angkatan.

Pelaksanaan aktiviti ini sejajar dengan Teras Kedua dan Kelima Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-30 iaitu Inovasi Peperangan Bersama dan Anjakan Diplomasi Pertahanan yang telah diterjemahkan melalui pelaksanaan eksesais bilateral di antara TDM dan USF.

Turut hadir, Commodore Amphibious Squadron 5 (CPR-5), Capt James Robinson, Panglima 10 Bgd (Para), Mej Jen Dato’ Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal, Asisten Ketua Staf Operasi dan Latihan, Mej Jen Dato’ Hj Semaon Hj Marjuki, Defence Attache, Capt Pasit Somboonpakron, Commanding Officer of Combat Logistics Battalion 15th, Lt Col LE Mathwick dan Panglima Briged Kelapan Infantri Malaysia, Brig Jen Muzamil Hj Ali.

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