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KD PENDEKAR Successfully Salvaged and Afloat Once More

KUALA LUMPUR, 13 October 2024 – The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) announced the successful salvage of KD PENDEKAR, which was refloated at 1638 hours on 12 October 2024. The vessel is now undergoing preliminary repairs before being officially returned to RMN.

The salvage operation, though met with several challenges, has been concluded successfully. The area where the vessel sank has been declared safe, with no remaining ordnance or explosives that could pose a threat to maritime users. This outcome ensures the safety of the maritime community frequently navigating the waters.

READ ALSO: KD Pendekar Completely Sinks in Johor Waters

As KD PENDEKAR nears the end of its service after more than 45 years, its future will be decided in alignment with the RMN’s comprehensive “Phasing In – Phasing Out” strategy for aging vessels. This plan is part of the RMN’s 15to5 Transformation Programme, which aims to modernize the fleet.Meanwhile, an inquiry by the Board of Investigation is ongoing to determine the causes and factors that led to the sinking of KD PENDEKAR.

Meanwhile, an inquiry by the Board of Investigation is ongoing to determine the causes and factors that led to the sinking of KD PENDEKAR.

Source: Strategic Communications Division, Royal Malaysian Navy Headquarters



Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) mengeluarkan kenyataan seperti berikut:

KD PENDEKAR telah berjaya diapungkan kembali pada jam 1638H, 12 Oktober 2024. Kapal kini sedang menjalani pembaikan awalan sebelum diserahkan kembali kepada TLDM.

Operasi salvage KD PENDEKAR pada dasarnya telah dapat diselesaikan walaupun terdapat beberapa cabaran. Lokasi di mana kapal tersebut karam kini disahkan selamat dan tiada tinggalan peluru atau bahan letupan yang boleh mengancam keselamatan komuniti maritim khususnya yang sering menggunakan perairan tersebut.

Masa hadapan kapal yang berusia lebih 45 tahun tersebut akan diputuskan bersekali dengan rancangan “Phasing In – Phasing Out” kapal-kapal usang yang masih di dalam perkhidmatan secara menyeluruh selaras dengan Penjajaran Pelan Transformasi TLDM 15to5.

Punca dan faktor-faktor terlibat yang membawa kepada insiden tenggelamnya KD PENDEKAR masih sedang disiasat oleh Lembaga Siasatan.

Sumber : Bahagian Komunikasi Strategik, Markas Tentera Laut
