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51 RAR Tested in Exercise LANCAR MEMUSNAH Series 1/2025

GEMAS, 19 February 2025 – The “LANCAR MEMUSNAH” Exercise Series 1/2025, a regimental-level training, was successfully conducted by the 51st Royal Artillery Regiment (51 RAR) at the Gemas Firing Range, Negeri Sembilan. The exercise involved 10 officers and 87 other ranks (LLP), with additional support from 9 Skn RAJD, 40 MKP, Bomba TD Gemas, and HTD Gemas. The objective was to maintain the competency of 51 RAR personnel in deploying and firing the Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS). This exercise was led by B Battery, 51 RAR, under the command of Major Ts Kavindrra Devan Chandran.

Brigadier General Mohd Tawil bin Haji Daud, Commander of the Rocket Artillery Brigade, attended the exercise to observe firsthand the readiness and capabilities of the MLRS crew and weapon systems. Upon arriving at Observation Post 3, he was welcomed by Lieutenant Colonel Rasman bin Ramlai, Commanding Officer of 51 RAR, who also served as the Exercise Director. The training commenced with a briefing by the Battery Commander of B Battery, followed by live rocket-firing drills.

A total of 32 SS-09 TS rockets were launched across multiple firing missions. Junior officers from the Rocket Artillery Brigade were also given the opportunity to participate in live-fire missions, providing them with firsthand experience in executing MLRS operations.

The Commander of the Rocket Artillery Brigade also took the time to engage with all officers and personnel involved, ensuring that they fully understood the objectives and execution of the exercise.

Also present were staff officers and representatives from subordinate units under the Rocket Artillery Brigade. Exercise  LANCAR MEMUSNAH Series 1/2025 was successfully conducted, achieving all set objectives.

Congratulations, 51 RAR!

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GEMAS, 19 Februari 2025 –Eksesais LANCAR MEMUSNAH Siri 1/2025 yang merupakan latihan peringkat rejimen telah berjaya dilaksanakan oleh 51 RAD di Lapang Sasar Gemas, Negeri Sembilan. Eksesais ini telah melibatkan 10 pegawai dan 87 anggota lain-lain pangkat (LLP) dan turut melibatkan bantuan daripada 9 Skn RAJD, 40 MKP, Bomba TD Gemas dan HTD Gemas. Objektif eksesais ini adalah untuk mengekalkan tahap kompetensi peg dan anggota 51 RAD dalam pelaksanaan atur gerak dan tembakan Sistem Roket Lancar Berganda (SRLB). Eksesais kali ini telah diterajui oleh B Bateri 51 RAD yang diketuai oleh Mej Ts Kavindrra Devan Chandran.

Brig Jen Mohd Tawil bin Haji Daud, Panglima Briged Artileri Roket turut hadir menyaksikan eksesais ini bagi melihat sendiri keupayaan dan kesiagaan krew serta sistem persenjataan SRLB. Ketibaan Panglima Bgd Arti Roket di Pos Pemerhati 3 disambut oleh Lt Kol Rasman bin Ramlai, Pegawai Memerintah 51 RAD selaku Pengarah Latihan. Latihan dimulakan dengan taklimat pelaksanaan eksesais oleh Ketua Bateri B Bateri dan diikuti dengan latihan tembakan roket.

Panglima Bgd Arti Roket juga turut berkesempatan berjumpa dengan semua pegawai dan anggota yang terlibat dengan eksesais ini bagi memastikan kefahaman semua berkenaan eksesais yang dilaksanakan.

Turut hadir dalam latihan ini adalah Pen Peg Mem dari pasukan Bgd Arti Roket, pegawai staf serta pegawai-pegawai pasukan bawah naungan. Eksesais LANCAR MEMUSNAH Siri 1/2025 secara keseluruhannya telah berjaya dilaksanakan dengan mencapai objektif-objektif yang telah digariskan. Tahniah 51 RAD.


