SUBANG, March 10, 2025 – The Exercise PARADISE CPX 12/25 officially concluded today with a closing ceremony officiated by the Commander of the 1st Air Region, Major General Dato’ Mahadzer bin Amin TUDM. Also present at the event were the Commander of the 2nd Air Region, Major General Ahmad Khusairi bin Ahmad Fadli TUDM, Chief of Staff of the Air Operations Command, Major General Norli Hisham bin Alwi TUDM, and the Director of Operations and Exercises Division, Brigadier General Rozainy bin Ahmad Rapie @ Ahmad Rofie TUDM, who also served as the Exercise Director for PARADISE CPX 12/25. The Base Commander of Subang Air Base, Brigadier General Yusri bin Jamari TUDM, was also present.

The exercise was successfully carried out and achieved the set objectives. This exercise was not only a platform for air operations planning but also aimed to enhance leadership capabilities through operational art, cooperation, and integration within the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM).

Throughout the course of the exercise, various challenges tested the strategic capabilities of the country’s air defense and the mental and physical resilience of each participant. However, through strong teamwork, meticulous planning, and solid discipline, everything was successfully addressed.

The exercise resulted in several key achievements, including:

  1. Operational Plans.
  2. Introduction of a Targeting Cell.
  3. Trial of a new warfare system.

These accomplishments are a source of pride for TUDM as they directly contribute to strengthening the nation’s defense readiness. However, more importantly, the exercise allowed TUDM to identify strengths and weaknesses that must be analyzed holistically and in detail, ensuring continuous improvements for future exercises.

Special recognition goes to the entire EXCON team and the exercise secretariat for their hard work in ensuring the success of PARADISE CPX 12/25. Appreciation is also extended to all the exercise participants, including representatives from the Malaysian Army and the Royal Malaysian Navy, who successfully adapted the entire process based on the Air Operation Planning Process (AOPP).

May the efforts put into this exercise have a positive impact on the air defense readiness and capabilities of the nation, ensuring that TUDM remains at its optimal state of readiness. May this exercise serve as a benchmark for future improvements and advancements in our air defense strategies.


SUBANG, 10 Mac 2025 – Eksesais PARADISE CPX 12/25 telah melabuhkan tirainya secara rasmi hari ini dalam upacara penutup yang telah disempurnakan oleh Panglima Wilayah Udara 1, Mej Jen Dato’ Mahadzer bin Amin TUDM. Turut hadir di majlis ini adalah Panglima Wilayah Udara 2, Mej Jen Ahmad Khusairi bin Ahmad Fadli TUDM, Ketua Staf Markas Pemerintahan Operasi Udara, Mej Jen Norli Hisham bin Alwi TUDM, serta Ketua Pengarah Operasi dan Eksesais Bahagian Operasi dan Strategi, Brigadier Jeneral Rozainy bin Ahmad Rapie @ Ahmad Rofie TUDM merangkap Exercise Director PARADISE CPX 12/25. Komander Pangkalan Udara Subang, Brigadier Jeneral Yusri bin Jamari TUDM, turut hadir.

Eksesais ini telah berjaya dilaksanakan dengan lancar dan mencapai objektif yang telah ditetapkan. Eksesais ini bukan sekadar platform pelaksanaan perancangan operasi udara, tetapi juga bertujuan memperkukuhkan daya kepimpinan melalui operational art, kerjasama serta kesepaduan dalam organisasi TUDM.

Sepanjang eksesais ini berlangsung, pelbagai cabaran yang dihadapi telah menguji keupayaan strategik pertahanan udara negara serta daya tahan mental dan fizikal setiap peserta. Namun, melalui semangat kerja berpasukan yang tinggi, perancangan yang teliti serta disiplin yang mantap, segalanya berjaya ditangani dengan cemerlang.

Eksesais ini telah mencapai beberapa pencapaian utama, antaranya:

  1. Pelan Operasi.
  2. Pengenalan Targeting Cell.
  3. Uji cuba sistem olah perang baharu.

Pencapaian ini merupakan satu kebanggaan untuk TUDM kerana ia secara langsung menyumbang kepada pengukuhan kesiapsiagaan pertahanan negara. Namun, lebih penting adalah bagaimana TUDM dapat memanfaatkan eksesais ini. Setiap kekuatan dan kelemahan yang dikenal pasti perlu dianalisis secara holistik dan terperinci agar penambahbaikan dapat dilakukan untuk eksesais yang akan datang.

Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada seluruh Tim EXCON dan sekretariat eksesais yang telah bertungkus-lumus memastikan kejayaan pelaksanaan PARADISE CPX 12/25. Penghargaan juga diberikan kepada para peserta eksesais, termasuklah wakil dari Tentera Darat Malaysia dan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia, yang telah berjaya mengadaptasi keseluruhan proses berpandukan Air Operation Planning Process (AOPP).

Semoga segala usaha yang telah dicurahkan dalam eksesais ini akan memberi impak positif terhadap kesiapsiagaan dan keupayaan pertahanan udara negara dalam memastikan TUDM sentiasa berada pada tahap kesiapsiagaan yang terbaik. May this exercise serve as a benchmark for future improvements and advancements in our air defence strategies.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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