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Malaysia Army PT-91M PENDEKAR Main Battle Tank Firing Demonstration

GEMAS, 13 November 2020 – The Chief of Army (COA), General Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain witnessed the PENDEKAR Tank (PT-91M) Firing Demonstration by the 11th Regiment of the Royal Armor Corps (11 KAD) at the Observation Post Target Field 3, Syed Sirajuddin Camp, Gemas, Negeri Sembilan.

This demonstration was held following the COA’s Preliminary Visit to the Army Field West Headquarters (MK PMBTD) on 12 Nov 20. This demonstration also aims to see the readiness and combat capability and operational assets of the Malaysian Army (TDM). It is to ensure that assets and personnel are in high alert and able to be mobilised at any time by adopting the right tactics, techniques and procedures.

Briefing about the PENDEKAR demonstration to the COA.
Briefing about the PENDEKAR demonstration to the COA.

The firing demonstration began with a briefing by the Commanding Officer of 11 KAD, Lieutenant Colonel Suresh a/l Subramaniam to COA and the visiting delegation on the concept of demonstration, and also the level of readiness of 11 KAD. Among the demonstration segments carried out were the Tank Squadron mobilisation and firing to destroy the enemy using the main weapon, the 125 mm smooth bore, as well as the HMG 12.7 mm auxiliary weapon. After the demonstration, the event continued with a visit to the PENDEKAR static exhibition at the same location.

Also present at the demonstration session were the Commander Army Field West, Lieutenant-General Dato’ Mohammad bin Ab Rahman, Commander of the 3rd Division, Major-General Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi bin Tengku Ibrahim, Assistant Chief of Staff of Operations and Training Army HQ, Major-General Dato’ Hamdan bin Hj Ismail and Assistant Chief of Staff Planning and Development Staff, Army HQ, Major-General Rashidin Hashimi bin Ab Rashid, 1st Brigade Commander, Brigadier-General Anuar bin Abdul Wahab and Director of the Royal Armor Corps, Brigadier-General Dato’ Hj Reduan bin Hj Omar.


PT-91M PENDEKAR Main Battle Tank Firing Demonstration
PT-91M PENDEKAR Main Battle Tank Firing Demonstration at Syed Sirajuddin Camp, Observation Post Target Field 3.

GEMAS, 13 November 2020 – Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain telah menyaksikan Demonstrasi Tembakan Kereta Kebal PENDEKAR (PT-91M) oleh Rejimen Ke-11 Kor Armor Diraja (11 KAD) di Lapang Sasar Pos Pemerhati 3, Kem Syed Sirajuddin, Gemas, Negeri Sembilan. Demonstrasi ini diadakan berlanjutan daripada Lawatan Ulung PTD ke Markas Pemerintahan Medan Barat Tentera Darat (MK PMBTD) pada 12 Nov 20.

Demonstrasi ini juga bertujuan bagi melihat kesiagaan serta keupayaan tempur dan operasi aset Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) tersebut. Ia bagi memastikan aset dan anggota berada dalam kesiagaan yang tinggi serta mampu diaturgerak pada sebilang masa dengan mengamalkan taktik, teknik dan prosedur yang betul.

Lieutenant Colonel Suresh a/l Subramaniam presenting a memento to COA General Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain.
Lieutenant Colonel Suresh a/l Subramaniam presenting a memento to COA General Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain.

Demonstrasi tembakan tersebut dimulakan dengan taklimat oleh Pegawai Memerintah 11 KAD, Leftenan Kolonel Suresh a/l Subramaniam kepada PTD dan delegasi lawatan berkenaan konsep sesi demonstrasi dan juga tahap kesiagaan 11 KAD. Antara segmen demonstrasi yang dilaksanakan adalah aturgerak Skuadron Kereta Kebal serta tembakan untuk memusnahkan musuh menggunakan persenjataan utama aset berkenaan iaitu 125 mm smooth bore, serta senjata bantuan HMG 12.7 mm. Selesai demonstrasi, acara diteruskan dengan sesi lawatan pameran statik PENDEKAR (PT-91 M) di lokasi yang sama.

Turut hadir dalam sesi demonstrasi tersebut adalah Panglima Medan Barat Tentera Darat, Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Mohammad bin Ab Rahman, Panglima 3 Divisyen, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi bin Tengku Ibrahim, Asisten Ketua Staf Operasi dan Latihan TD, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Hamdan bin Hj Ismail dan Asisten Ketua Staf Perancangan dan Pembangunan TD, Mejar Jeneral Rashidin Hashimi bin Ab Rashid, Panglima 1 Briged, Brigedier Jeneral Anuar bin Abdul Wahab dan Pengarah Kor Armor Diraja, Brigedier Jeneral Dato’ Hj Reduan bin Hj Omar.
