SABAH – The Air Region 2 Headquarters (MAWILUD 2) has coordinated Exercise KELAWAR 12/21 which was carried out in the waters of Operation Pasir, Sabah from 21 to 28 May 21. This exercise was last conducted in 2014 and this year was conducted with several changes including a new norm due to the global health crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The exercise aims to strengthen the readiness and efficiency of the EC 725 AP helicopter crew as well as improvements in tactical flight in the face of conflict and threats at night. The conduct of this exercise also involves the integrated collaboration of the crew and squadron with the RMAF Special Force (PASKAU), JTF 2 Headquarters and other friendly teams.
Among the exercise activities carried out are ‘Night Tactical Formation, Night Tactical Navigation, Night Aerial Sniping, Aerial Broadcasting using Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), Night Overwater Rescue and Maritime Counter Terrorism Mission (MCTM)’.
Overall, this exercise has achieved the objectives and mission that have been set. The combined result of all the agencies involved has made this exercise successfully integrated in empowering and assessing the level of competence of the members involved in the implementation of a mission, especially in preparation in the event of a real conflict.
SABAH – Markas Wilayah Udara 2 (MAWILUD 2) telah mengkoordinasikan Eksesais KELAWAR 12/21 yang dilaksanakan di kawasan perairan Operasi Pasir , Sabah bermula 21 hingga 28 Mei 21. Eksesais seumpama ini kali terakhir dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014 dan tahun ini dilaksanakan dengan beberapa perubahan termasuk norma baharu ketika dilanda krisis kesihatan global pandemik Covid-19.
Eksesais ini bertujuan untuk memperkasakan kesiagaan dan kecekapan anak kapal pesawat helikopter EC 725 AP di samping penambahbaikan dalam penerbangan taktikal ketika menghadapi konflik dan ancaman pada waktu malam.
Pelaksanaan eksesais ini turut melibatkan usaha sama bersepadu anak kapal dan skudaron bersama Pasukan Khas Udara (PASKAU) TUDM, Markas ATB 2 serta pasukan sahabat yang lain.Antara aktiviti eksesais yang dilaksanakan ialah ‘Night Tactical Formation, Night Tactical Navigation, Night Aerial Sniping, Aerial Broadcasting using Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), Night Overwater Rescue dan Maritime Counter Terrorism Mission (MCTM)’.
Secara keseluruhannya, eksesais kali ini telah mencapai objektif dan misi yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil gabungan semua agensi yang terlibat telah menjadikan eksesais ini berjaya disepadukan dalam memperkasa dan menilai tahap kompetensi anggota yang terlibat terhadap pelaksanaan sesuatu misi, terutamanya sebagai persediaan sekiranya konflik sebenar berlaku.“
TUDM Mampan, Ruang Angkasa Aman”Sentiasa Di Angkasa Raya