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Malaysian First Infantry Brigade Conducts Exercise SATRIA GAGAH CPX

NEGERI SEMBILAN: A total of 50 officers and 150 members of Other Ranks (LLP) under the Malaysian First Infantry Brigade (1 Bde) were involved in the Exercise Satria Gagah Opening Ceremony officiated by the Commander of the Malaysian Third Infantry Division (3 Div), Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim at the Army Warfare Center (POP TD) on 29 Oct 2021.

This Satria Gagah exercise starts from 29 Oct 2021 to 6 Nov 2021 with the concept of Command Post Exercise (CPX) using the Battle Tech 4 system to test the operation of 1 Bde and it’s subunits in carrying out operations.

This exercise involves the concept of conventional warfare with the mobilisation of units under 1 Bde to carry out the Offensive Phase, i.e. advance and attack.

3 Div Commander Maj Gen Dato' Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim officiating 1 Bde Ex SATRIA GAGAH CPX.
3 Div Commander Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim officiating 1 Bde Ex SATRIA GAGAH CPX.

The exercise organization consisted of POSTAH led by 1 Bde Commander, Brig Gen Mohd Saifulisham Hj Baharun while the HI-CON was led by Maj Christopher Chin Boon Tong from the First Regiment of the Royal Armor Corps (1 KAD), LO-CON) consists of the 15th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (15 RMR), 24 RMR, 508 (TA) Regt and 514 (TA) Regt while the Red Force comprises from 12 RMR (Mech), 14 RMR (Mech), 19 RMR (Mech ) and 11 AMR as well as an Evaluation Team led by Lt Col Norhisham Hassan from 7 RRR (Mech).

Exercise Satria Gagah was also supported by an external team consisting of 2 ARM, 11 ARM, 4 RAR, 21 RAR, 881 PUTD, 4 Engr Sqn and 9 Engr Sqn.

The Hands On class was conducted for two days as an adaptation exercise and in the speech of the Commander of 3 Div, he stated that this exercise aims to provide exposure and train members on the operation of warfare systems in real war situations as well as to increase knowledge related to Tactics, Techniques and Procedures ( TTP) actual in the performance of a task.

Also present were Commander 4 Bde (Mech), Brig Gen Dato’ Zahari Mohd Ariffin, Acting Commander 7 Bgd, Brig Gen Asri Shukor and Commander Artillery 3 Div, Brig Gen Datuk Noor Sazali Puteh.

  • Headquarters of the First Malaysian Infantry Brigade


NEGERI SEMBILAN: Seramai 50 pegawai dan 150 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) di bawah Formasi Briged Pertama Infantri Malaysia (1 Bgd) terlibat dalam Majlis Perasmian Eksesais Satria Gagah yang disempurnakan oleh Panglima Divisyen Ketiga Infantri Malaysia (3 Div), Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim di Dewan Pusat Olah Perang Tentera Darat (POP TD) pada 29 Okt 2021.

Eksesais Satria Gagah ini bermula dari 29 Okt 2021 hingga 6 Nov 2021 berkonsepkan Command Post Exercise (CPX) menggunakan sistem Battle Tech 4 bagi menguji pengoperasian 1 Bgd bersama unit di bawah naungan dalam menjalankan operasi.

Latihan ini berkonsepkan peperangan konvensional dengan aturgerak unit dibawah naungan Formasi 1 Bgd bagi melaksanakan Fasa Offensif iaitu mara dan serangan.

Organisasi eksesais terdiri daripada POSTAH yang diketuai oleh Panglima 1 Bgd, Brig Jen Mohd Saifulisham Hj Baharun manakala pengendali Atas (HI-CON) diketuai oleh Mej Christopher Chin Boon Tong dari Rejimen Pertama Kor Armor Diraja (1 KAD), Pengendali Bawah (LO-CON) terdiri daripada Batalion Ke-15 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (15 RAMD), 24 RAMD, Rej 508 (AW) dan Rej 514 (AW) manakala pelaku Merah dari 12 RAMD (MEK),14 RAMD (MEK),19 RAMD (MEK) dan 11 KAD, serta Tim Evaluasi diketuai oleh Lt Kol Norhisham Hassan dari 7 RRD (MEK).

3 Div Commander Maj Gen Dato' Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim officiating 1 Bde Ex SATRIA GAGAH CPX.
3 Div Commander Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim officiating 1 Bde Ex SATRIA GAGAH CPX.

Eksesais Satria Gagah ini juga dibantu pasukan luar yang terdiri daripada 2 KAD, 11 KAD, 4 RAD, 21 RAD, Rej 881 PUTD, 4 SKN RAJD dan 9 SKN RAJD.

Kelas Hands On telah dilaksanakan selama dua hari sebagai latihan penyesuaian dan dalam ucapan Panglima 3 Div, beliau menyatakan bahawa eksesais ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan serta melatih anggota berkenaan pengoperasian sistem olah perang dalam situasi peperangan sebenar disamping dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan berkaitan Taktik, Teknik dan Prosedur (TTP) sebenar dalam perlaksanaan sesuatu tugas.

Turut hadir, Panglima 4 Bgd (Mek), Brig Jen Dato’ Zahari Mohd Ariffin, Pemangku Panglima 7 Bgd, Brig Jen Asri Shukor dan Komander Arti 3 Div, Brig Jen Datuk Noor Sazali Puteh.

  • Markas Briged Pertama Infantri Malaysia