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Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Reviews 3 Division’s Competency and Preparedness

NEGERI SEMBILAN: The Commander of the Third Malaysian Infantry Division (3 Div), Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim visited the training areas of the 1st Malaysian Infantry Brigade (1 Bgd) and 4 Bgd (Mek) at the Gemas Range on 12 and 13 Nov 2021.

He reviewed Exercise GEMPUR PERISAI conducted by 1 Bgd from 9 to 18 Nov 2021 which aimed to test the capabilities of the Combat Group and Logistics Group of the 1 Bgd Formation in the conduct of the Conventional Warfare defensive and offensive phases involving Combat Units, Combat Support and Service Support units under its auspices as well as units from 3 Div Troopand 3 Div Artillery.

The main focus of this exercise was to assess the capacity of the formation through human resource and logistical aspects in support of operational requirements.

In addition, it also assesses the function of formation-level staff command in terms of land and enemy assessment.

Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim reviews Exercise GEMPUR PERISAI.

This exercise was also conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the Brigade Doctrine and Standard Operating Procedures (PROTAP) besides evaluating the implementation of theory to practice on Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) in conventional warfare through a Field Training Exercise (FTX). This exercise is an extension of the SATRIA GAGAH Command Post Exercise (CPX) conducted at the Army Warfare Center (POP TD).

The 3 Div Commander also reviewed the conduct of the Weapon Skills Camp (KKS) Pilot Test by 4 Bgd (Mek) at Gemas Range from 8 to 22 Nov 2021 to test the KKS Bgd Mek PROTAP developed by the writing team led by the Commanding Officer of the Seventh Royal Ranger Regiment Battalion (7 RRD) (Mek).

There is a need to establish specific references to enable the conduct of more focused, measurable, realistic training to enable the level of competence of officers and increase, in line with the position of Bgd Mek as a decisive fist.

Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim reviews Exercise GEMPUR PERISAI.
Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim reviews Exercise GEMPUR PERISAI.

The conduct of this Pilot Test is implemented according to practice for each variant of Type A Vehicle (KJA) that has been listed in the PROTAP KKS Bgd Mek, but in this exercise only involves the main weaponry while the auxiliary weaponry will be conducted in the next series.

This exercise is in line with the intention of the 3 Div Commander’s Alignment and Matching Plan in supporting the First Pillar of the 28th Army Chief’s Supreme Command, namely Mission Continuity and Readiness through a focus on increasing the level of readiness, competence and Army assets.

  • Headquarters of the Third Malaysian Infantry Division


Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim reviews Exercise GEMPUR PERISAI.
Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim reviews Exercise GEMPUR PERISAI.

NEGERI SEMBILAN: Panglima Divisyen Ketiga Infantri Malaysia (3 Div), Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim melakukan tinjauan ke kawasan latihan Briged Pertama Infantri Malaysia (1 Bgd) dan 4 Bgd (Mek) di kawasan Lapang Sasar Gemas pada 12 dan 13 Nov 2021.

Beliau meninjau Eksesais GEMPUR PERISAI yang dilaksanakan oleh 1 Bgd mulai 9 hingga 18 Nov 2021 yang bertujuan untuk menguji keupayaan Kumpulan Tempur dan Kumpulan Logistik Formasi 1 Bgd dalam pelaksanaan Peperangan Konvensional fasa defensif dan ofensif melibatkan Unit Tempur, Bantuan Tempur dan Bantuan Khidmat di bawah naungan serta unit-unit dari Trup 3 Div dan 3 Div Arti.

Fokus utama eksesais ini untuk menilai keupayaan formasi melalui aspek sumber manusia dan logistik dalam menyokong keperluan pengoperasian.

Selain itu, ianya juga menilai fungsi pemerintahan staf peringkat formasi dalam aspek penilaian tanah dan musuh.

Eksesais ini juga dilaksanakan bagi menilai keberkesanan doktrin dan Prosedur Tetap Operasi Bgd (PROTAP) selain menilai pelaksanaan teori kepada praktikal terhadap Taktik, Teknik dan Prosedur (TTP) di dalam peperangan konvensional secara Field Training Exercise (FTX) yang merupakan lanjutan daripada Eksesais SATRIA GAGAH yang dibuat secara Command Post Exercise (CPX) di Pusat Olah Perang Tentera Darat (POP TD).

Panglima 3 Div turut meninjau pelaksanaan Pilot Test Kem Kemahiran Senjata (KKS) oleh 4 Bgd (Mek) di Lapang Sasar Gemas mulai 8 hingga 22 Nov 2021 bertujuan untuk menguji PROTAP KKS Bgd Mek yang dibangunkan oleh Tim penulisan yang diketuai oleh Pegawai Memerintah Batalion Ketujuh Rejimen Renjer Diraja (7 RRD) (Mek).

Terdapat keperluan untuk mewujudkan rujukan spesifik bagi membolehkan pelaksanaan latihan yang lebih fokus, boleh diukur, realistik bagi membolehkan tahap kompetensi pegawai dan meningkat, sejajar dengan kedudukan Bgd Mek sebagai satu ketumbukan yang decisive.


Pelaksanaan Pilot Test ini dilaksanakan mengikut praktis bagi setiap varian Kenderaan Jenis A (KJA) yang telah disenaraikan di dalam PROTAP KKS Bgd Mek, namun pada latihan kali ini hanya melibatkan persenjataan utama sahaja manakala persenjataan bantuan akan dilaksanakan pada siri berikutnya.

Latihan ini sejajar dengan hasrat Pelan Penjajaran dan Persepadanan Panglima 3 Div dalam mendokong Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan melalui penumpuan terhadap peningkatan tahap kesiagaan, kompetensi serta aset TD.

  • Markas Divisyen Ketiga Infantri Malaysia