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BSEP Hands Over COTM Vehicle to HQ Joint Task Force 2

Tawau, 11 Feb 22 – The Headquarters Joint Task Force 2  (HQ JTF 2) today made another history with the handing over of a replica key by Col Izhar bin Zakaria Commander of the Defence Cyber and Electromagnetic Operations Headquarters (BSEP) to Brig Gen Abdul Karim bin Ahmad Commander JTF 2 as symbolic of the handover of a Toyota Land Cruiser four-wheel drive vehicle, Communication On The Move (COTM) has been successfully carried out in accordance with the COVID-19 preventive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as prescribed by the government.

The vehicle uses the X-Band Communication System made by local company MILDEF International Technologies Sdn Bhd which has the ability to be deployed to rugged area of operation on land. These vehicles are also proven to be able to perform various important military missions with sophisticated systems as well as the ability to connect satellite communications along the way while on the move. The antenna mounted on the roof of this vehicle is capable of providing data transmission facilities, video conferencing, tel ip phone and radar display through a secure crypto system.

The successful acquisition of these assets is part of the modernisation of the communication system that will be used by JTF 2 to enhance vigilance in safeguarding the sovereignty of the East Coast of Sabah. It also helps JTF 2 to improve its operational capability as well as optimise the advantage in force multiplier effect of MAF’s combat power. Indirectly, this asset is able to provide ‘secure communication’ for military operations in monitoring national security threats such as border encroachment or smuggling activities.

JTF 2 has always been at the highest level of operational readiness and has always been committed to strengthening national security and sovereignty. JTF 2 has proven that the security forces are a credible organisation in their role in deterring any traditional and non-traditional threats and always ensure their ability to protect and defend the country’s border and maritime interests at all times, especially in the East Coast of Sabah.

Also present to witness the symbolic handing over of key replicas this morning were Senior Officers as well as Officers from HQ JTF 2 and BSEP. The ceremony ended with a prayer reading and a photo shoot.



Tawau, 11 Feb 22 – Markas Angkatan Tugas Bersama 2 (MK ATB 2) hari ini melakar satu lagi sejarah dengan pelaksanaan penyerahan replika kunci oleh Kol Izhar bin Zakaria Komander Markas Operasi Siber Dan Elektromagnetik Pertahanan (BSEP) kepada Brig Jen Abdul Karim bin Ahmad Komander ATB 2 sebagai simbolik penyerahan kenderaan pacuan empat roda jenis Toyota Land Cruiser, Communication On The Move (COTM) telah dilaksanakan dengan jayanya mengikut Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) pencegahan COVID-19 seperti yang ditetapkan kerajaan.

Kenderaan yang menggunakan Sistem Komunikasi X-Band ini adalah buatan syarikat tempatan MILDEF International Technologies Sdn Bhd yang memiliki keupayaan lasak untuk diaturgerak ke kawasan operasi di daratan. Kenderaan ini juga terbukti mampu melaksanakan pelbagai misi penting ketenteraan dengan sistem yang canggih serta berupaya menghubungkan komunikasi satelit sepanjang perjalanan ketika bergerak. Antena yang dipasang pada bumbung kenderaan ini mampu untuk menyediakan kemudahan penghantaran data, video conferencing, tel ip phone dan paparan radar melalui sistem kripto terselamat.

Kejayaan perolehan aset ini adalah sebahagian dari pemodenan sistem komunikasi yang akan digunakan oleh ATB 2 untuk mempertingkatkan kesiagaan dalam menjaga kedaulatan Pantai Timur Sabah. Ianya turut membantu ATB 2 mempertingkatkan keupayaan operasi serta mengoptimumkan kelebihan dalam force multiplier effect kuasa tempur ATM. Secara tidak langsung juga, asset ini mampu memberikan ‘secure communication’ untuk operasi tentera dalam pengawasan ancaman keselamatan negara seperti pencerobohan sempadan atau aktiviti penyeludupan.

ATB 2 sentiasa berada pada tahap kesiapsiagaan operasi yang tertinggi dan sentiasa komited terhadap memperkasakan kawalan keselamatan dan kedaulatan negara. ATB 2 telah membuktikan bahawa pasukan keselamatan adalah sebuah organisasi yang kredibel peranannya dalam menghindar sebarang ancaman tradisional serta ancaman non-tradisional dan sentiasa memastikan berkeupayaanya dalam melindungi serta mempertahankan kepentingan persempadanan dan maritim negara pada sebilang masa khasnya di Pantai Timur Sabah ini.

Turut hadir menyaksikan acara simbolik penyerahan replika kunci pada pagi ini adalah Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan serta Pegawai-Pegawai dari MK ATB 2 dan BSEP. Majlis diakhiri dengan bacaan doa dan acara bergambar.
