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Strengthening Defence Relations: Malaysian Army Engages in Exercise DESERT TIGER with UAELF

12th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (Mechanized) from the Malaysian Army participates in Exercise DESERT TIGER Series 7/2024 alongside the United Arab Emirates Land Forces (UAELF).

Scheduled from February 5 to 24, 2024, the exercise adopts a Cross Training Exercise and Field Training Exercise concept at Camp Saih Al-Bana, Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE. The contingent comprises 16 officers and 114 Other Ranks (ORs) from 12 (Mech) Battalion, along with representatives from Army Headquarters, Western Field Command, and the Mechanized Infantry Division.

Brigadier General Wan Mohd Faizal Shahrin bin W. Mohamad Fablillah, the Commander of the 4th Mechanized Brigade, officiated the send-off ceremony at the Royal Malaysian Air Force Base in Kuantan on February 5, 2024.

In his address, Brigadier General Wan Mohd Faizal emphasized the strategic and operational significance of the exercise, expressing hope that all outlined training objectives would be successfully achieved. He further urged the contingent to exhibit a high level of professionalism, encompassing knowledge, task execution, discipline, and conduct.

The execution of this exercise aligns with the Malaysian Army Chief’s Fifth Directive “Defense Diplomacy Shift,” aiming to enhance efforts in training, operations, and defense cooperation with friendly nations.


KUANTAN: Batalion Ke-12 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (Mekanize) (12 RAMD (Mek)) mewakili Tentera Darat (TD) melaksanakan Eksesais DESERT TIGER Siri 7/2024 bersama United Arab Emirates Land Forces (UAELF).

Eksesais ini dijadualkan bermula dari 5 hingga 24 Feb 2024 berkonsepkan Cross Training Exercise dan Field Training Exercise di Kem Saih Al-Bana, Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE dengan melibatkan seramai 16 pegawai dan 114 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) daripada 12 RAMD (Mek) serta wakil daripada MK TD, MK PMBTD dan PULAMEK.

Terdahulu, Panglima 4 Bgd (Mek), Brigedier Jeneral Wan Mohd Faizal Shahrin bin W.Mohamad Fablillah menyempurnakan acara send off kontinjen Eksesais Desert Tiger 7/2024 bertempat di Pangkalan Udara TUDM Kuantan pada 5 Feb 2024.

Dalam ucapan Panglima 4 Bgd (Mek), beliau menekankan kepentingan eksesais ini di peringkat strategik dan operasi, mengharapkan semua objektif latihan yang telah digariskan berjaya dicapai. Selain itu, berharap pasukan mempamerkan tahap profesionalisme yang tinggi dan terbaik merangkumi segala aspek pengetahuan, pelaksanaan tugas, tatatertib dan tingkah laku.

Pelaksanaan eksesais ini bertepatan dengan Teras Kelima Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke – 30 “Anjakan Diplomasi Pertahanan” iaitu mempertingkatkan usaha dalam aspek latihan, operasi dan kerjasama pertahanan bersama negara-negara sahabat.
