KUALA LUMPUR: Staff of HQ 12th Bde and Officers under the command took part in Learning Day, organised by the 12th Bde Signals Squadron. The Learning Day was held at the 12th Bde Signals Squadron’s Operations Room, Wangsamaju on 23 August 2019.

The learning day was held in conjunction with the Introduction and Operation of the X-Band Satellite System. The main objective of the day was to present an overview of the X-Band Satellite System used in today’s communication systems, and introducing the latest assets acquired by the 12th Bde Signals Squadron.

Also present were Commamding Officers and officers under the 12 Brigade.

By: Lt Mohd Zulkarnain Zainal
Image: 12 SSB

Hari Pengajian Pegawai Anjuran 12 SSB

KUALA LUMPUR: Pegawai Staf MK 12 Bgd dan Pegawai-pegawai unit di bawah naungan terlibat dalam Hari Pengajian Pegawai yang telah dianjurkan oleh Skuadron Semboyan 12 Bgd Infantri bertempat di Bilik Gerakan 12 SSB, Wangsamaju pada 23 Ogos 2019 yang melibatkan.

Hari pengajian yang diadakan berkaitan dengan Pengenalan dan Pengendalian Sistem Satelit X-Band, objektif utama hari pengajian untuk memberi pendedahan tentang Sistem Satelit X-Band yang diguna pakai bagi sistem komunikasi pada masa kini selain memperkenalkan aset terbaru yang diperolehi oleh pasukan 12 SSB.

Turut hadir Pegawai Memerintah dan Pegawai Pemerintah unit-unit di bawah naungan 12 Briged.

Oleh: Lt Mohd Zulkarnain Zainal
Gambar: 12 SSB

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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