SINGAPORE: Ex SEMANGAT BERSATU 25/19, which began on 19 Oct at the Mandai Hill Camp, Singapore, officially ended with the closing ceremony on 27 October 2019.

Five officers and 114 Other Ranks from the 6th Royal Ranger Regiment (6 RRR) representing the Malaysian Army (MA) participated in the exercise with the 4th Singapore Infantry Regiment (4 SIR) from the Singapore Army (SA).

The closing ceremony was officiated by Deputy Army Chief LG Dato’ Hasagaya Abdullah.

In his speech, he expressed deep satisfaction in the spirit and performance of all the officers and personnel involved throughout the exercise.

This joint exercise is essential to enhance bilateral cooperation between the MA and the SA while enhancing military understanding and cooperation.

Through this exercise, the legacy of the long-standing good relations between the two countries can continue and be preserved forever.

He hoped that the opportunities presented throughout the exercise were fully utilised by 6 RRR officers and personnel to get to know each other and to build friendships and networks with the SA counterparts.

With the cooperation and friendship already built, the level of interoperatibility between MA and SA can be pushed to a higher level.

In pursuit of this objective, he believes that both companies of the MA and SA with a high degree of camaraderie, have agreed in the process of sharing ideas and knowledge and exchanging ideas and opinions which are very helpful.

Such a friendship is very effective in boosting and strengthening the level of professionalism among officers and other ranks.

Symbolising the closing of the exercise was the handover of the 6 RRR Alpha Company flag from Commanding Officer 4 SIR, LTC Muhamad Helmi Khaswan, to the Officer Commanding, 6 RRR Alpha Company, Maj Hafizul Marjo.

Also present at the closing ceremony were Chief of Staff General Staff – Singapore Army, Brigadier General Kenneth Liow, Director General of Ops & Training, Army HQ, BG Shamsirudin bin Mohd Shariff, 7th Brigade Commander, BG Dato’ Hj Zawawi Hj Adam, and Singapore Defense Advisor in Singapore, Col Ahmad Fareed Ariffin.

By: Lieutenant Amir Aiman ​​bin Zakaria (6 RRR, Intelligence Officer)

Eks SEMANGAT BERSATU 25/2019 Melabuhkan Tirai

SINGAPURA: Eks SEMANGAT BERSATU Siri 25/19 yang bermula sejak 19 Okt di Kem Mandai Hill, Singapura telah melabuhkan tirai latihannya pada 27 Oktober 2019.

Seramai lima pegawai dan 114 anggota Lain-lain Pangkat (LLP) dari Batalion Keenam Rejimen Renjer Diraja (6 RRD) mewakili Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) menjalani eks bersama-sama 4th Singapore Infantry Regiment (4th SIR) yang mewakili Tentera Darat Singapura (TDS).

Penutup eks telah disempurnakan oleh Timbalan Panglima Tentera Darat, Lt Jen Dato’ Hasagaya Abdullah.

Di dalam ucapannya, beliau menyatakan rasa amat berpuas hati dengan semangat dan prestasi yang dipamerkan oleh semua pegawai dan anggota yang terlibat di sepanjang eksesais ini berlangsung.

Latihan bersama ini penting bagi meningkatkan lagi kerjasama dua hala di antara TDM dan TDS di samping menggandakan persefahaman serta kerjasama ketenteraan.

Melalui eksesais ini juga, legasi hubungan baik yang telah terjalin sejak sekian lama di antara kedua-dua negara mampu diteruskan dan dipelihara selama-lamanya.

Beliau berharap ruang dan peluang yang disajikan sepanjang eksesais ini dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya oleh pegawai dan anggota 6 RRD untuk saling mengenali antara satu dengan yang lain dan seterusnya membina rangkaian persahabatan atau networking dengan pegawai dan anggota daripada TDS.

Berbekalkan kerjasama dan persahabatan yang telah dibina, tahap interoperatibility di antara TDM dan TDS mampu dipacu ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

Dalam usaha mencapai objektif eks ini, beliau percaya kedua-dua kompeni baik daripada TDM mahupun TDS dengan semangat setiakawan yang tinggi, telah bersepakat dalam proses perkongsian idea dan ilmu serta saling bertukar pandangan dan pendapat yang sangat bermanfaat.

Kesepakatan seumpama ini amat berkesan bagi melonjak dan memperkasakan tahap profesionalisme dalam kalangan pegawai dan anggota.

Simbolik kepada penutupan eks ini adalah penyerahan semula bendera Kompeni Alpha 6 RRD daripada Peg Mem 4 SIR, Lt Kol Muhamad Helmi Khaswan, kepada Ketua Kompeni Alpha 6 RRD, Mej Hafizul Marjo.

Turut hadir menyaksikan penutupan eks ini ialah , Chief of Staff – General Staff, Singapore Army, Brigadier General Kenneth Liow, Ketua Pengarah MKTD -OPLAT, Brig Jen Shamsirudin bin Mohd Shariff, Panglima 7 Briged, Brig Jen Dato’ Hj Zawawi Hj Adam, dan Penasihat Pertahanan Malaysia di Singapura, Kol Ahmad Fareed Ariffin.

Oleh: Leftenan Amir Aiman bin Zakaria (Pegawai Risik Pasukan 6RRD)

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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