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CDF Visit to PULADA and Officiating the Sniper and Scout Branch

ULU TIRAM, JOHOR, 3 Dec 2019 – The Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), General Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Panglima Hj Zulkifli bin Hj Zainal Abidin, has been on a working visit to the Army Recruit Training Center (PULADA). During the visit, he officiated the opening of a new branch in PULADA, the Infantry Sniper and Scout Branch (ISSB).

Infantry Sniper and Scout Branch, PULADA
Infantry Sniper and Scout Branch, PULADA

The branch consists of 3 officers and 19 other ranks, of which 12 are trained infantry Snipers.

This branch was established to ensure that the infantry are more competitive and effective in keeping with the current warfare requirements and to train infantrymen to become Infantry Sniper Trainers at PULADA.

Also present were Deputy Chief of Army Lieutenant-General Dato’ Hasagaya bin Abdullah , Army Training Commander Major-General Dato’ Mohammad bin Ab Rahman, PULADA Commander Colonel Isa bin Daud, and Senior Army Officers.

Since the establishment of this Branch in April 2013, it has conducted four types of courses: Infantry Sniper Course, Infantry Sniper Trainer Course, Infantry Scout Course and Infantry Scout Trainer Course.


ULU TIRAM, JOHOR, 3 Dis 2019 – Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Panglima Hj Zulkifli bin Hj Zainal Abidin, telah mengadakan lawatan kerja ke Pusat Latihan Tempur Tentera Darat (PULADA). Di dalam lawatan tersebut, beliau telah merasmikan pembukaan cawangan baru di PULADA iaitu Cawangan Sniper Dan Tinjau Infantri (CST Infantri).

Cawangan ini terdiri daripada 3 pegawai dan 19 LLP dimana 12 orang daripadanya adalah jurulatih yang mempunyai kepakaran Sniper Infantri.

Cawangan ini ditubuhkan bagi memastikan pasukan infantri lebih berdaya saing dan lebih efektif selaras dengan keperluan peperangan semasa serta melatih anggota infantri untuk menjadi Jurulatih Sniper Infantri yang diwujudkan di PULADA.

Turut hadir adalah Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Hasagaya bin Abdullah Timbalan Panglima Tentera Darat, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Mohammad bin Ab Rahman Panglima Latihan Tentera Darat, Kolonel Isa bin Daud, Komandan PULADA dan Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan Tentera Darat

Sejak penubuhan Cawangan ini pada April 2013, ia telah menjalankan 4 jenis kursus iaitu Kursus Sniper Infantri, Kursus Jurulatih Sniper Infantri, Kursus Tinjau Infantri dan Kursus Jurulatih Tinjau Infantri.
