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Ex URBAN EAGLE by 17 RMR (Para)

MELAKA: A total of 19 officers and 143 members of Other Ranks (LLP) were involved in the URBAN EAGLE Exercise Series 1/2020 which was carried out around Terendak Camp from 1 to 24 Jul 2020.

This Operation In Build-Up Area (OBUA) exercise concept has been designed in detail combining the planning, preparation and implementation phases that test all levels including the functions of the Battalion Headquarters, as the planning staff and the at company-level.

Various exercises conducted by 17 RMR (Para) during Ex URBAN EAGLE.
Various exercises conducted by 17 RMR (Para) during Ex URBAN EAGLE.

The planning phase, namely the preparation of exercise papers, contains the Concept Development Conference (CDC) / Initial Planning Conference (IPC), Middle Planning Conference (MPC) and Final Planning Conference (FPC).

The preparation phase aims to test the competence of Battalion Headquarters staff to carry out Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) to produce Intelligence Preparation of Environment (IPOE) and Staff Military Appreciation Process (SMAP).

Meanwhile at the company-level, Map Exercise (MAPEX) and Model Room Exercise (MRX) have been successfully implemented followed by Tactical Exercise Without Troop (TEWT), Individual Military Appreciation Process (IMAP), Rapid Drill Exercise (RDX) and OBUA Drill Exercise (ODX) which involves all levels of leadership.

The Commander of 10 Bgd (Para) also spent time visiting and sharing opinions during the training.

The Exercise Closing Ceremony was officiated by the Commanding Officer 17 RMR (Para), Lt Col Anwar Zamani Jusop by removing the training ‘arm band’.

In his speech, he stated that the purpose of conducting this battalion-level exercise is to improve competence and strengthen the agility of the officers and members involved in particular and the battalion in general.

Also involved in SO2 Training (Collective), HQ 10 Bde (Para) invited as Exercise Observer.

Eks URBAN EAGLE Perkemas Perancangan dan Pelaksanaan 17 RAMD Para

MELAKA: Seramai 19 pegawai dan 143 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) terlibat dalam Eksesais URBAN EAGLE Siri 1/2020 yang dilaksanakan di sekitar Kem Terendak bermula 1 hingga 24 Jul 2020.

Ex URBAN EAGLE - Individual Military Appreciation Process (IMAP) and Tactical Exercise Without Troop (TEWT).
Ex URBAN EAGLE – Individual Military Appreciation Process (IMAP) and Tactical Exercise Without Troop (TEWT).

Eksesais yang berkonsepkan Operation In Build-Up Area (OBUA) ini telah dirangka secara terperinci menggabungkan fasa perancangan, persiapan dan pelaksanaan yang menguji semua peringkat termasuk fungsi Markas Batalion sebagai staf perancang dan kompeni sebagai pelaksana.

Fasa perancangan iaitu penyediaan kertas eksesais mengandungi Concept Development Conference (CDC)/Initial Planning Conference (IPC), Middle Planning Conference (MPC) dan Final Planning Conference (FPC). Fasa persiapan bertujuan untuk menguji kompetensi staf Markas Batalion bagi melaksanakan Staff Exercise (STAFFEX) untuk menghasilkan Intelligence Preparation of Environment (IPOE) dan Staff Military Appreciation Process (SMAP).

Ex URBAN EAGLE Map Exercise (MAPEX) and Model Room Exercise (MRX)
Ex URBAN EAGLE – Map Exercise (MAPEX) and Model Room Exercise (MRX)

Manakala dalam peringkat kompeni, Latihan Map Exercise (MAPEX) dan Model Room Exercise (MRX) telah berjaya dilaksanakan diikuti dengan Tactical Exercise Without Troop (TEWT), Individual Military Appreciation Process (IMAP), Rapid Drill Exercise (RDX) dan OBUA Drill Exercise (ODX) yang melibatkan semua peringkat pimpinan.

Panglima 10 Bgd (Para) turut meluangkan masa melawat dan berkongsi pendapat semasa latihan dilaksanakan.Majlis Penutup Eks disempurnakan Pegawai Memerintah 17 RAMD (Para), Lt Kol Anwar Zamani Jusop dengan menanggalkan toha latihan.

Dalam ucapannya, beliau menyatakan tujuan perlaksanaan eksesais peringkat batalion ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan memperkasakan ketangkasan barisan pegawai dan anggota yang terlibat khususnya dan batalion amnya.

Turut terlibat PS 2 Latih (Kolektif), MK 10 Bgd (Para) yang dijemput sebagai Pemerhati Eksesais

Oleh: Lt Ahmad Jeffry Ahmad TarmiziGambar: Sel Risik Pasukan
