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Malaysian Navy Successfully Concludes OSTEX East Series 3/2023 in the South China Sea

Kota Kinabalu, 22 Dec – From the 18th to the 22nd of December, the Operational Sea Training Exercise East or OSTEX EAST Series 3/2023 took place around the RMN Base in Kota Kinabalu and the waters of the South China Sea. This exercise, serving as the main platform to enhance asset readiness in the Eastern Fleet, involved ships under the Eastern Fleet Command and Naval Region 2 Command, Sandakan. This series also marks the conclusion of #OstexEast for the year 2023, bringing an end to the exercises in the Eastern Fleet for this year.

Maintaining its primary mission of training and preparing forces capable of conducting dual-threat maritime operations, this exercise was conducted through a Field Training Exercise (FTX) involving 6 RMN ships led by KD SELANGOR as the Task Group Commander. The roles of the Maritime Operations Helicopter AW139, Unmanned Aerial System Scaneagle, and Combat Boat CB90 were optimized in this exercise.

Highlights of OSTEX East 3/2003

The exercise was carried out in three phases – the harbor phase, sea phase, and the final post-exercise phase. The harbor phase, from the 18th to 19th of December, included main programs such as Exercise Main Brief, lectures, and practicals by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), as well as Pre-Sailing Briefings. The Opening and Closing Ceremonies were presided over by the Eastern Fleet Commander, Vice Admiral Datuk Haji Muhammad Ruzelme bin Haji Ahmad Fahimy, at the Sepanggar Hall, RMN Base Kota Kinabalu. The sea phase tested the efficiency and agility of The Navy People in aspects of navigation, marine science, and maritime warfare. The participation of RMN ships in this exercise also served as a platform to showcase the presence of the RMN in the Malaysian Maritime Zone.

RMN continuously seeks opportunities to maintain momentum in asset and personnel readiness, ensuring efficient and swift action as required by operational needs. The seamless execution of this exercise, without any incidents, clearly demonstrates the professionalism, capability, and readiness of the Eastern Fleet RMN assets remain at their best.


Kota Kinabalu, 22 Dis – Bermula 18 sehingga 22 Disember, Operational Sea Training Exercise East atau OSTEX EAST Siri 3/2023 telah terlaksana di sekitar Pangkalan TLDM Kota Kinabalu dan perairan Laut China Selatan. Eksesais yang menjadi platform utama dalam meningkatkan kesiagaan aset di Armada Timur ini telah melibatkan kapal-kapal yang bernaung di bawah Markas Pemerintahan Armada Timur dan Markas Wilayah Laut 2, Sandakan. Siri kali ini turut menjadi siri terakhir #OstexEast bagi tahun 2023 dan seterusnya menutup tirai eksesais di Armada Timur tahun ini.

Masih mengekalkan misi utama iaitu melatih dan menyediakan angkatan yang berupaya dalam melaksanakan operasi maritim yang bersifat dwi-ancaman, eksesais kali ini dilaksanakan melalui Field Training Exercise (FTX) dan telah melibatkan 6 buah kapal TLDM yang diketuai KD SELANGOR selaku Ketua Gugus Tugas. Peranan Helikopter Operasi Maritim AW139, Unmanned Aerial System Scaneagle dan Bot Tempur CB90 turut dioptimumkan dalam siri latihan kali ini.

Sebanyak tiga fasa iaitu fasa pelabuhan, fasa laut dan yang terakhir iaitu fasa pasca eksesais terlaksana mengikut perancangan. Fasa pelabuhan dilaksanakan bermula 18 dan 19 Disember di mana program-program utama seperti Taklimat Utama Eksesais, Kuliah dan Praktikal daripada Subject Matter Expert (SME) serta Taklimat Pra-Pelayaran telah dilaksanakan. Majlis Pembukaan dan Penutup Eksesais telah disempurnakan oleh Panglima Armada Timur, Laksamana Madya Datuk Haji Muhammad Ruzelme bin Haji Ahmad Fahimy di Dewan Sepanggar, Pangkalan TLDM Kota Kinabalu. Fasa laut pula menyaksikan kecekapan dan ketangkasan warga The Navy People diuji dalam aspek navigasi, ilmu kelautan dan peperangan maritim. Penglibatan kapal TLDM dalam eksesais ini turut menjadi platform memperaga kehadiran TLDM di Zon Maritim Malaysia.

TLDM sentiasa mencari ruang dan peluang yang menyasarkan kepada pengekalan momentum dalam kesiagaan aset dan warga supaya bertindak cekap dan pantas sebilang masa mengikut keperluan operasi. Kelangsungan latihan siri ini, yang lancar tanpa sebarang insiden jelas menggambarkan sikap profesionalisme, keupayaan dan kesiagaan aset Armada Timur TLDM kekal di tahap terbaik.



Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia
Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia
Angkatan Tentera Malaysia

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