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Malaysian Army Gets New All Terrain Vehicles for Op Benteng

KUALA LUMPUR, 22 January 2021 – The Chief of Army (COA), General Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain held a Op BENTENG Vehicle Procurement Inspection Visit at 92 Central Vehicle Depot (92 DKP), Batu Kentonmenmen Camp, today.

The event began with a briefing from Syarikat Go Auto Sdn Bhd which was represented by the Managing Director of the company, Dato’ SM Azli bin SM Nasimudin. Among the vehicles obtained for the Op BENTENG assignments were All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and 1 Ton GS Cargo Truck.

The vehicle aims to help improve the mobility aspect in the assignment of Op BENTENG at the national border.

The event was conducted briefly to comply with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that has been set.

The receipt of this latest asset coincides with the milestone of the 28th Army Chief, “Mission Continuity and Vigilance”, which focuses on the acquisition and maintenance of assets to ensure the Malaysian Army’s (TDM) combat readiness is at its best for any operations.

Also present at the inspection were the Army Logistics Commander, Major General Dato’ Md Fuad bin Abd Jalil, Assistant Chief of Staff of Army Operations and Training, Major General Datuk Hamdan bin Haji Ismail and Senior Officers of the Malaysian Army (TDM).



KUALA LUMPUR, 22 Januari 2021 – Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain mengadakan Lawatan Pemeriksaan Perolehan Kenderaan Operasi (Op) BENTENG bertempat di 92 Depot Kenderaan Pusat (92 DKP), Kem Batu Kentonmen, hari ini.

Acara dimulakan dengan taklimat daripada Syarikat Go Auto Sdn Bhd yang telah disampaikan oleh Pengarah Urusan syarikat tersebut iaitu Dato’ SM Azli bin SM Nasimudin. Antara kenderaan yang diperolehi bagi penugasan Op BENTENG adalah All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) dan Trak 1 Tan GS Kargo.

Kenderaan tersebut bertujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan aspek mobiliti dalam penugasan Op BENTENG di sempadan negara.

Acara dibuat secara ringkas bagi mematuhi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) yang telah ditetapkan.

Penerimaan aset terbaru ini adalah bertepatan dengan Tonggak Pertama Panglima Tentera Darat Ke 28 iaitu “Kelangsungan Misi Dan Kesiagaan”, yang memberikan penumpuan kepada perolehan dan penyelenggaraan aset-aset bagi memastikan kesiagaan tempur Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) berada di tahap terbaik untuk sebarang aturgerak operasi.

Turut hadir dalam pemeriksaan tersebut adalah Panglima Logistik Tentera Darat, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Md Fuad bin Abd Jalil, Asisten Ketua Staf Operasi dan Latihan Tentera Darat, Mejar Jeneral Datuk Hamdan bin Haji Ismail dan Pegawai-pegawai Kanan Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM).

