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Farewell Visit by ACOS Defence Logistics and Dy Commandant MPAT

KUALA LUMPUR, 24 May 2021 – General Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi bin Buang RMAF, Chief of Defence Force received a courtesy call in conjunction with the retirement of Major General Meor Anuar Shuhaili bin Mohd Ramli, Assistant Chief of Staff Defence Logistics and Colonel Munraj Singh a/l Jughtar Singh RMAF, Deputy Commandant of the Armed Forces Defence College, National Resistance College.

Both of them who will end their service soon, after sowing service and devotion in their respective services in particular and the Malaysian Armed Forces in general.

All MAF personnel wish you all the best and thank you for the service.


KUALA LUMPUR, 24 Mei 2021 – Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj affendi bin Buang TUDM, Panglima Angkatan Tentera telah menerima kunjungan hormat sempena persaraan oleh Mejar Jeneral Meor Anuar Shuhaili bin Mohd Ramli, Assisten Ketua Staf Logistik Pertahanan dan Kolonel Munraj Singh A/L Jughtar Singh TUDM, Timbalan Komandan Maktab Pertahanan Angkatan Tentera, Maktab Ketahanan Nasional.

Kedua-dua mereka yang bakal menamatkan perkhidmatan tidak lama lagi, setelah menabur jasa dan bakti di dalam perkhidmatan masing-masing khususnya dan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia amnya.

Seluruh warga ATM, mengucapkan selamat maju jaya dan terima kasih di atas jasa bakti Yang Berbahagia Tuan-Tuan selama ini.

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