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Defence Geospatial Division Strengthens Relationship with the Malaysian Army

KUALA LUMPUR, 16 July 2021 – Bilateral relations between the Malaysian Army (TDM) and the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), have been established for a long time through the Defence Geospatial Division (BGSP), as TDM’s representative in the organisation.

To strengthen the existing relationship, the Chief of Army (PTD), General Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain had the opportunity to carry out a Working Visit to JUPEM.

Tan Sri COA also had the opportunity to pay a courtesy call on the Director General of JUPEM, Colonel (Honorary) Dato’ Dr. Azhari bin Mohamed.

During the visit, Tan Sri COA was also presented with a demonstration of the use of drones implemented in the lobby of the Computer Aided Mapping System (CAMS) Building. A briefing on drone operations was delivered by the Director of the Geospatial Operations Section, Lieutenant Colonel Md Khairul Khan bin Selamat.

Tan Sri COA also received a briefing on the role, duties and latest developments of BGSP presented by the Director of BGSP, Brigadier General Sr Dr Mohd Zambri bin Mohamad Rahab and a briefing on Defence Geospatial Information Management (DGIM) presented by the Director of Geospatial Information Management Section, Lieutenant Colonel Norazlin bint Pamuji.

Tan Sri COA’s working visit to such specialised units is in line with the First Pillar of the 28th COA Superior Order, which is, “Mission Continuity and Readiness”. This pillar emphasizes on TDM’s efforts to enhance capability and readiness in carrying out any mission and operations.



KUALA LUMPUR, 16 Julai 2021 – Hubungan dua hala di antara Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) dan Jabatan Ukur Dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM), telah terjalin sekian lama melalui Bahagian Geospatial Pertahanan (BGSP), sebagai wakil TDM di organisasi tersebut.

Bagi memperkukuhkan hubungan sedia ada tersebut, Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain telah berkesempatan untuk melaksanakan Lawatan Kerja ke JUPEM.

Tan Sri PTD turut berpeluang untuk mengadakan kunjungan hormat kepada Ketua Pengarah JUPEM, Kolonel (Kehormat) Dato’ Dr. Azhari bin Mohamed.

Dalam lawatan ini, Tan Sri PTD turut dipersembahkan dengan demonstrasi penggunaan dron yang dilaksanakan di lobi Bangunan Computer Aided Mapping System (CAMS). Taklimat berkaitan aturgerak dron telah disampaikan oleh Pengarah Seksyen Operasi Geospatial, Leftenan Kolonel Md Khairul Khan bin Selamat .

Tan Sri PTD seterusnya turut menerima taklimat berkaitan peranan, tugas serta perkembangan terkini BGSP yang disampaikan oleh Pengarah BGSP, Brigedier Jeneral Sr Dr Mohd Zambri bin Mohamad Rahab dan taklimat Defence Geospatial Information Management (DGIM) yang disampaikan oleh Pengarah Seksyen Pengurusan Maklumat Geospatial, Leftenan Kolonel Norazlin binti Pamuji.

Sesungguhnya, lawatan kerja Tan Sri PTD ke unit-unit khusus sebegini sejajar dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung PTD Ke-28 iaitu, “Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan”. Tonggak ini menitikberatkan kepada usaha TDM untuk mempertingkatkan keupayaan dan kesiagaan dalam melaksanakan sebarang misi dan operasi.
