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RMAF Senior Leadership Attends Global Air Chiefs’ Conference 2021

The Chief of Air Force, Gen Tan Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad RMAF has received an invitation from Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Royal Air Force (RAF) to attend the Global Air Chiefs’ Conference 2021 (GACC 21 ). The inaugural GACC 21 with the theme “The Air and Space Force of 2040” involved senior British government ministers, air force chiefs from around the world, business leaders and professionals from across the spectrum of the aerospace industry as well as the space and innovation sector was held through a virtual conference on 14 Jul 21.

The objective of GACC 21 is to explore the strategic challenges facing the RAF and its air force partners around the world (including the Carrier Strike Force) as well as international partners and global allies from various panels including from the military, academia, industry and others.

The virtual conference took place starting at 4.30 pm Malaysian time and ending at about 12.10am midnight. There were four (4) keynote speeches, three (3) panel discussions and a video presentation during GACC21. Three panel discussions during the conference was focused on ‘Air Power 2040’ which focuses on looking at the potential use of ‘Air Power’ in the next two (2) decades, challenges faced and options by the air force in selecting capability for the future as well as how the air force develops and provides future strength progressively. The second panel discussion ‘Space 2040’ discussed space in 2040 covering the challenges of Space System Integration, how the industry plans for the future development of the space system and how the military structure adapts to the growth of the sector. While the third panel discussion is ‘Net Zero 2040’ is more focused on climate change which is one of the challenges to the air force in the future.

Also participating in the GACC21 virtual conference were the Deputy Chief of Air Force, Lt Gen Dato’ Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan RMAF; Commander of Air Operations, Lt Gen Dato’ Hj Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman RMAF; Commander of Air Education and Training, Maj Gen Mohd Shahada bin Ismail RMAF; ACOS Operations and Strategy, Maj Gen Dato’ Zulkifli bin Hamid RMAF; ACOS Planning and Development, Maj Gen Dato’ Muhammad Tarminzi bin Hj Mustapha RMAF and officers and staff from the Operations and Strategy Division, Planning and Development Division, Human Resources Division, Engineering Division, Air Force Inspectorate, KOMLEK, MPOU, MPPLU and AWC who followed him from their respective headquarters and team locations.


Panglima Tentera Udara , Jen Tan Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad TUDM telah menerima jemputan daripada Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston , Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Royal Air Force (RAF) bagi menghadiri Global Air Chiefs’ Conference 2021 (GACC 21). GACC 21 yang julung kali dianjurkan dengan tema “The Air and Space Force of 2040” melibatkan menteri-menteri kanan kerajaan Britain, ketua tentera udara dari seluruh dunia, pemimpin perniagaan dan profesional dari seluruh spektrum industri udara serta sektor angkasa dan inovasi telah diadakan secara persidangan maya (virtual conference) pada 14 Jul 21.

Objektif GACC 21 adalah untuk meneroka cabaran strategik yang dihadapi RAF dan rakan-rakan tentera udara di seluruh dunia (termasuk Carrier Strike Force) dan juga rakan-rakan antarabangsa serta sekutu global dari pelbagai panel termasuk daripada bahagian tentera, ahli akademik, industri dan lain-lain.

Persidangan yang diikuti secara maya ini berlangsung bermula jam 4.30 petang waktu di Malaysia dan berakhir kira-kira jam 12.10 malam. Terdapat empat (4) ucaptama, tiga (3) panel perbincangan dan sebuah persembahan video semasa GACC21. Tiga panel perbincangan semasa persidangan ini memfokuskan kepada ‘AirPower 2040’ iaitu berdasarkan tema pada tahun ini yang lebih menjurus kepada melihat potensi penggunaan ‘Kuasa Udara’ dalam dua (2) dekad akan datang, cabaran dan pilihan yang dihadapi oleh tentera udara dalam memilih kemampuan untuk masa hadapan serta bagaimana tentera udara membangun dan memberikan kekuatan masa depan secara progresif. Panel perbincangan kedua iaitu ‘Space 2040’ telah membincangkan ruang angkasa pada tahun 2040 merangkumi cabaran Integrasi Sistem Angkasa, bagaimana industri merancang masa hadapan perkembangan sistem angkasa dan bagaimana struktur ketenteraan menyesuaikan diri dengan pertumbuhan sektor ini. Manakala panel perbincangan ketiga ialah ‘NetZero 2040‘ lebih terarah kepada perubahan iklim yang menjadi salah satu cabaran kepada tentera udara pada masa akan datang.

Turut menyertai persidangan virtual GACC21 ialah Timbalan Panglima Tentera Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan TUDM; Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Hj Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman TUDM; Panglima Pendidikan dan Latihan Udara, Mej Jen Mohd Shahada bin Ismail TUDM; AKS Operasi dan Strategi, Mej Jen Dato’ Zulkifli bin Hamid TUDM; AKS Perancangan dan Pembangunan, Mej Jen Dato’ Muhammad Tarminzi bin Hj Mustapha TUDM serta pegawai-pegawai dan staf daripada Bahagian Operasi dan Strategi, Bahagian Perancangan dan Pembangunan, Bahagian Sumber Manusia, Bahagian Kejuruteraan, Inspektorat Tentera Udara, KOMLEK, MPOU, MPPLU dan AWC yang mengikutinya dari lokasi markas dan pasukan masing-masing.

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