Exercise PARA PREDATOR 1/21 Tests Readiness of Medical Company (Para) Ops & Training 10th September 202110th September 2021 The Para Predator Series 1/21 exercise which involved the elite team under the auspices of 10 Brigade (Para) was carried out for 14 days starting on 23 August 21 until 05 Sep 21 in the general areas of Bera, Temerloh and Chenor, Pahang. This exercise also involved the mobilisation of 1 x Forward Surgical Team (FST) from the Medical Company (Para). The three main approaches of this exercise are, To Train (Troop) to provide exposure to real threat situations through training, To Project (The Army) to provide an overview of the alertness and real ability of Army and To Educate (Create Public Awareness) to educate and share knowledge and apply general awareness of the role of Army in safety aspects. The FST team led by Capt (Dr) Abdul Ariff Akram Abdul Manan and 12 other ranks were mobilised in the health service support element to the Leading Para Group Battle (LPBG) throughout the exercise period. Injury incident scenarios namely CASEVAC and MEDEVAC were tested several times in this exercise by land and air to test the level of readiness and ability of the FST Team to be tactically mobilised through the Casualty Evacuation Unit (CEU) and FST operation as casualty treatment. Acting Commanding Officer of the Medical Company (Para), Maj (Dr) Syed Fareez Syed Nasir also participated in this exercise to evaluate the improvements that can be made by the FST element. It is hoped that this exercise will be able to provide the best exposure, especially in terms of health services and the ability to be mobilised by the Para Medical Company as an element of service assistance in the 10 Brigade (Para). By: Capt (Dr) Abdul Ariff Akram Abdul MananImage: HQ 10 Bde (Para) Intelligence Cell EKSESAIS PARA PREDATOR SIRI 1/21 MENGUJI TAHAP KESIAGAAN KOMPENI PERUBATAN (PARA) Eksesais Para Predator Siri 1/21 yang melibatkan ketumbukan pasukan elit naungan 10 Briged (Para) telah dilaksanakan selama 14 hari bermula pada 23 Ogos 21 sehingga 05 Sep 21 di kawasan am Bera, Temerloh dan Chenor, Pahang. Eksesais ini turut melibatkan aturgerak 1 X Forward Surgical Team (FST) dari Kompeni Perubatan (Para). Tiga pendekatan utama eksesais ini iaitu, To Train (Troop) bagi memberikan pendedahan keadaan ancaman sebenar melalui latihan, To Project (The Army) bagi memberikan gambaran kesiagaan dan keupayaan sebenar aturgerak TD dan To Educate (Create Public Awareness) bagi mendidik mahupun berkongsi pengetahuan serta menerapkan kesedaran umum mengenai peranan TD dalam aspek keselamatan. Tim FST yang diketuai oleh Kapt (Dr) Abdul Ariff Akram Abdul Manan dan 12 lain-lain pangkat telah diaturgerakkan dalam elemen bantuan khidmat kesihatan kepada Leading Para Group Battle (LPBG) sepanjang tempoh eksesais berlangsung. Senario kejadian kecederaan iaitu CASEVAC dan MEDEVAC telah diuji beberapa kali di dalam eksesais ini melalui jalan darat dan udara bagi menguji tahap kesiagaan dan kemampuan Tim FST diaturgerakkan secara taktikal melalui Casualty Evacuation Unit (CEU) dan pengoperasian FST sebagai rawatan kasualti. Pemangku Pegawai Pemerintah Kompeni Perubatan (Para), Mej (Dr) Syed Fareez Syed Nasir juga turut serta dalam eksesais ini bagi menilai penambahbaikan yang boleh dilakukan oleh elemen FST. Diharapkan eksesais ini mampu memberi pendedahan sebaiknya terutamanya dari segi perkhidmatan kesihatan dan kemampuan diaturgerakkan Kompeni Perubatan Para sebagai elemen bantuan khidmat didalam ketumbukan 10 Briged (Para). Oleh : Kapt (Dr) Abdul Ariff Akram Abdul MananGambar : Sel Risik Mk 10 Bgd (Para) Like this:Like Loading... Related