RMN and Indian Navy Conducted PASSEX to Strengthen Defence Cooperation Defence Relations Ops & Training 8th September 20218th September 2021 LUMUT, 6 Sep – The RMN together with the Indian Navy (TLI) continues to strengthen existing defence cooperation through the Passage Exercise (PASSEX) in the waters of the Straits of Melaka today. The exercise that involved 3 assets from the RMN, namely KD LEKIU, KD JEBAT and Super LYNX helicopters along with 2 TLI assets, namely INS RANVIJAY and INS KORA. Earlier, the two TLI assets were conducting a return voyage to their country of origin after completing a maritime security deployment mission around the South China Sea which is part of TLI’s ‘Act East’ policy in an effort to expand defence cooperation between New Delhi and regional countries. The exercise goals were were achieved through activities covering tactical maneuvers, boat operations and sail passes. The smooth conduct of the training without any incident clearly reflects the professionalism, capability and availability of the sailors of both navies. Apart from being committed to maritime security and national defence cooperation in the region, the RMN will continue to take advantage of every opportunity to operate with friendly navies to improve its readiness and to protect and defend the country’s maritime interests at all times. Source: MPA Strategic Communications Office TLDM PERKUKUH HUBUNGAN KERJASAMA PERTAHANAN MELALUI EKSESAIS BERSAMA TENTERA LAUT INDIA LUMUT, 6 Sep – TLDM bersama Tentera Laut India (TLI) terus menyemarakkan hubungan kerjasama pertahanan yang sedia utuh terjalin melalui Passage Exercise (PASSEX) di perairan Selat Melaka hari ini. Eksesais yang berlangsung melibatkan 3 buah aset oleh TLDM, iaitu KD LEKIU, KD JEBAT serta helikopter Super LYNX bersama 2 buah aset TLI iaitu INS RANVIJAY serta INS KORA. Terdahulu kedua-dua aset TLI ini sedang melaksanakan pelayaran pulang ke negara asal selesai misi penugasan keselamatan maritim di sekitar Laut China Selatan yang merupakan sebahagian daripada dasar ‘Act East’ TLI dalam usaha memperluaskan kerjasama pertahanan antara New Delhi dengan negara serantau. Matlamat eksesais telah diterjemahkan melalui beberapa siri latihan yang direalisasikan meliputi manuvra taktikal, pengoperasian bot dan sail pass. Kelangsungan latihan yang lancar tanpa sebarang insiden jelas menggambarkan sikap profesionalisme, keupayaan dan ketersediaan warga kedua-dua angkatan laut. Selain komited terhadap keselamatan maritim dan kerjasama pertahanan negara rantau ini, TLDM akan terus memanfaatkan setiap peluang beroperasi bersama angkatan laut sahabat dalam memacu ketersediaan warga untuk melindungi serta mempertahankan kepentingan maritim negara pada sebilang masa. Sumber : Pejabat Komunikasi Strategik MPAB Like this:Like Loading... Related