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RMAF and United States Pacific Air Force (US PACAF) Conducts B-52 PASSEX 2/21

“TONKA One-One Millertime Millertime”
“Roger Millertime, Lion’s Fang”
“Mission Accomplished, thank you for the escort…”

B-52 Ex PASSEX or Passing Exercise Series 2/21 is a bilateral joint exercise carried out jointly between the RMAF and the United States Pacific Air Force (US PACAF). The exercise which took place on 24 Sep 21 was carried out in a gazetted training area in the Straits of Melaka. Four (4) types of RMAF aircraft were involved in this exercise, namely Su-30 MKM, F/A-18D Hornet, Hawk and A400M while from US PACAF was the B-52 aircraft. Also involved in the exercise this time is the 320 Sqn which plays the role of ‘Tactical Command and Control’.

This bilateral joint exercise was carried out with the aim of strengthening bilateral diplomatic relations and military diplomacy. The exercise in this series focuses on the concept of High Value Asset Protection (HVAAP) where the RMAF has been praised by the US PACAF for the level of professionalism shown by the RMAF. It is a privilege to operate with US PACAF this year in PASSEX which will enhance operations and cooperation between the two teams.


“TONKA One-One Millertime Millertime…”
“Roger Millertime, Taring Singa”
“Mission Accomplished, thank you for the escort…”

Eks PASSEX atau Passing Exercise B-52 Siri 2/21 adalah eksesais gabungan 2 hala yang dilaksanakan bersama di antara TUDM dan United States Pacific Air Force (US PACAF). Eksesais yang berlangsung pada 24 Sep 21 telah dilaksanakan di kawasan latihan yang digazetkan di Selat Melaka. Empat (4 ) jenis pesawat TUDM telah terlibat dalam eksesais ini iaitu Su-30 MKM, F/A-18D Hornet, Hawk dan A400M manakala dari US PACAF adalah pesawat B-52. Turut terlibat dalam eksesais pada kali ini adalah Skn 320 yang memainkan peranan sebagai ‘Tactical Command and Control’.

Eksesais gabungan 2 hala ini dilaksanakan bertujuan mengeratkan hubungan diplomatik dua hala dan diplomasi ketenteraan. Eksesais pada siri ini menumpukan kepada konsep High Value Asset Protection (HVAAP) di mana pihak TUDM telah dipuji oleh pihak US PACAF atas tahap professionalisma yang telah ditunjukkan oleh pihak TUDM. Adalah suatu keistimewaan untuk beroperasi dengan US PACAF pada tahun ini dalam PASSEX yang mana dapat meningkatkan operasi dan kerjasama di antara kedua-dua pasukan.
