SUBANG, 21 October 2021 – The roar of aircraft engines from RMAF fighter jets as well as the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) at Subang Air Base at 5.45 pm this evening was the culmination of the Golden Jubilee celebration of Five Power Defense Arrangements ( FPDA). Established since 1971, the FPDA’s defense cooperation involving five (5) countries, namely Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Kingdom is now 50 years old.

Drawing on the history of the FPDA’s 50-year celebration, the Sukhoi Su-30MKM and BAE Hawk aircraft are assets of the RMAF that were involved, along with the F/A-18F from the RAAF as well as the F15SG and F16C/D from the RSAF.

Earlier, the 11th FPDA Defense Ministers’ Hybrid Meeting was held which was chaired by the Senior Minister of Defence, YB Dato’ Sri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein and the 50th FPDA Anniversary celebration where Malaysia was honored as the host of the this golden jubilee celebration.

In the meeting, all the Ministers of Defence agreed to implement several approaches for the common good, namely:
a. Continue to combat conventional threats through the introduction of 5th generation assets.
b. Strengthen efforts related to anti-terrorism and maritime security.
c. Introducing cybersecurity as one of the focuses in the FPDA joint exercise.
d. Continuing the observer program as an approach to strengthen unity among member states.

This commitment is finalized by a joint declaration signed by all FPDA Defense Ministers.

Also present at the two historic events were the Deputy Commander of the Air Force, Lt Gen Dato’ Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan RMAF who represented the Commander of the Air Force and the Commander of Air Operations, Lt Gen Dato’ Hj Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman RMAF.



SUBANG, 21 Oktober 2021 – Deruman enjin pesawat daripada pesawat pejuang TUDM serta Tentera Udara Diraja Australia (RAAF) dan Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) di Pangkalan Udara Subang pada jam 5.45 petang tadi menjadi kemuncak bagi sambutan Jubli Emas Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA). Ditubuhkan sejak 1971, kerjasama pertahanan FPDA melibatkan lima (5) buah negara iaitu Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapura dan United Kingdom kini telah berusia 50 tahun.

Melakar sejarah sambutan 50 tahun FPDA, pesawat Sukhoi Su-30MKM dan BAE Hawk merupakan aset TUDM yang telah terlibat di dalam menjayakan lintas hormat tersebut bersama-sama F/A-18F dari RAAF serta F15SG dan F16C/D dari RSAF.

Terdahulu, telah berlangsung Mesyuarat Menteri-menteri Pertahanan FPDA Ke-11 secara hibrid yang mana telah dipengerusikan oleh Menteri Kanan Pertahanan, YB Dato’ Sri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein dan sambutan Ulang Tahun FPDA Ke-50 yang mana Malaysia diberi penghormatan selaku tuan rumah untuk menganjurkan sambutan jubli emas ini.

Dalam mesyuarat tersebut, semua Menteri-menteri Pertahanan senada untuk melaksanakan beberapa pendekatan demi kepentingan bersama iaitu:
a. Terus memerangi ancaman konvensional melalui pengenalan aset generasi ke-5.
b. Perkukuh usaha berkaitan anti keganasan dan keselamatan maritime.
c. Memperkenalkan keselamatan siber sebagai salah satu fokus dalam latihan bersama FPDA.
d. Meneruskan program pemerhati sebagai pendekatan untuk perkukuh kesatuan antara negara anggota.

Komitmen ini dimuktamadkan dengan deklarasi bersama yang ditandatangani oleh kesemua Menteri-Menteri Pertahanan FPDA.

Turut hadir dalam kedua-dua acara bersejarah tersebut adalah Timbalan Panglima Tentera Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan TUDM yang mewakili Panglima Tentera Udara dan Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Hj Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman TUDM.



Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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