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First Infantry Brigade Signal Squadron Conducted ARTEP

NEGERI SEMBILAN, 19 Nov 21 – The Signal Squadron of the First Infantry Brigade (1 SSB) has been involved with the Ex GEMPUR PERISAI 1st Brigade from 6 to 19 Nov 21 around the Asahan, Jementah and Asahan Range. The Army Western Field Command HQ Signal Branch also took the opportunity to conduct SSB’s ARTEP to test the capability and readiness of 1 SSB in planning, preparing, operating and maintaining communication aspects for the 1st Brigade.

This exercise is the result of the idea of the Commander 1st Brigade in preparing the 1st Brigade for Ex SATRIA PERKASA scheduled for 2022. This exercise, in the concept of conventional warfare, involves the defensive phase and offensive phase from the aspect of Tactical Headquarters Formation/Team operations including Brigade Maintenance Group (KSB).

3rd Royal Signal Regiment (RSD) as the Exercise Control Team, has drafted an assessment based on the scenario of Ex GEMPUR PERISAI 1st Brigade without interfering with the overall exercise conduct. Also present to make the assessment were Signal Col, AFC West HQ – Commanding Officer 3RSD. 1 SSB also took the opportunity to conduct the 69th RSD anniversary Battle Parade at the exercise area to celebrate the RSD’s 69th anniversary.

ARTEP 1 SSB in conjunction with the GEMPUR PERISAI 1st Brigade Exercise was conducted in line with the First Pillar of the 28th COA Superior Command, namely “Mission Continuity and Vigilance” which focuses on 1 SSB’s communication combat force in supporting the 1st Brigade’s Mission.

Source: 1 SSB



NEGERI SEMBILAN, 19 Nov 21 – Skuadron Semboyan Briged Pertama Infantri (1 SSB) telah terlibat dengan Eks GEMPUR PERISAI 1 Briged Tahun 2021 mulai 6 hingga 19 Nov 21 di sekitar Lapang Sasar Asahan, Jementah dan Asahan. Cawangan Semboyan MK PMBTD turut mengambil kesempatan untuk melaksanakan ARTEP SSB bagi menguji keupayaan dan kesiagaan 1 SSB dalam merancang, menyedia, mengendali dan menyelenggara aspek komunikasi bagi ketumbukan 1 Briged.

Eksesais ini adalah hasil cetusan idea Panglima 1 Briged dalam mempersiapkan ketumbukan 1 Briged bagi menghadapi Eks SATRIA PERKASA yang dijadualkan pada Tahun 2022. Eksesais yang berkonsepkan peperangan konvensional ini melibatkan fasa defensif dan fasa ofensif dari aspek atur gerak Markas Taktikal Formasi/Pasukan termasuk Kumpulan Senggaraan Briged (KSB).


3 RSD selaku Pasukan Pengendali Eksesais, telah merangka penilaian berdasarkan senario Eks GEMPUR PERISAI 1 Briged tanpa menggangu perjalanan eksesais secara keseluruhan. Turut hadir bagi membuat penilaian adalah Kol Semboyan, MK PMBTD – Cwg dan Peg Mem 3 RSD. 1 SSB juga telah mengambil kesempatan bersempena HUT RSD Ke-69 dengan melaksanakan Battle Parade di kawasan eksesais bagi menyambut HUT RSD Ke-69.

ARTEP 1 SSB bersempena Eksesais GEMPUR PERISAI 1 Briged yang dilaksanakan ini sejajar dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung PTD Ke-28 iaitu “Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan” yang menumpukan kepada daya tempur komunikasi 1 SSB dalam mendokong Misi 1 Briged.

Sumber : 1 SSB

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