14 RMR (Mech) Conducts Exercise PASAK BUMI Ops & Training 27th February 202227th February 2022 NEGERI SEMBILAN: A total of five officers and 142 members of Other Ranks (LLP) of the 14th Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (Mechanize), (14 RMR (Mech)) were involved in the Exercise PASAK BUMI Series 1/2022 around Jelebu and Kuala Pilah from 16 to 25 Feb 2022. The main objective of the exercise was to test and enhance leadership, command and control at the section, platoon and company levels in the War Against Insurgency. In this exercise, 12 RMR (Mech) were appointed as referees and the Fourth Brigade Headquarters (Mechanize) (4 Bde (Mech)) as the Evaluation Team. At the end of the exercise, Commander 4 Bde (Mech), Brig Gen Dato’ Zahari Mohd Ariffin visited the training area and listened to the Attack Order delivered by the Bravo Company OC. Such training is in line with the First Pillar of the 28th Army Chief’s Supreme Order, namely Mission Continuity and Vigilance. Fourth Brigade Headquarters (Mechanized) EKS PASAK BUMI 14 RAMD (MEK) NEGERI SEMBILAN: Seramai lima pegawai dan 142 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) Batalion Ke-14 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (Mekanize), (14 RAMD (Mek)) terlibat dalam Eksesais PASAK BUMI Siri 1/2022 di sekitar Jelebu dan Kuala Pilah mulai 16 hingga 25 Feb 2022. Objektif utama eksesais adalah untuk menguji serta mempertingkatkan daya kepimpinan, pemerintahan dan kawalan di peringkat seksyen, platun dan kompeni di dalam Peperangan Melawan Insurgensi. Dalam latihan ini, 12 RAMD (Mek) dilantik sebagai wasit dan Markas Briged Keempat (Mekanize) (4 Bgd (Mek)) sebagai Tim Evaluasi. Di akhir eksesais, Panglima 4 Bgd (Mek), Brig Jen Dato’ Zahari Mohd Ariffin melakukan lawatan ke kawasan latihan dan mendengar Perintah Serangan yang disampaikan oleh Ketua Kompeni Bravo. Latihan seumpama ini sejajar dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan. Markas Briged Keempat (Mekanize) Like this:Like Loading... Related