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The OSTEX EAST 1/22 exercise has been successfully conducted in the South China Sea. The 12-day exercise started on 14 March 22 and involved RMN assets in the Eastern Fleet and RMAF Labuan such as Patrol Vessels, LMS, Fast Patrol Boat , RMN Fennec Helicopters, Submarines, ScanEagle Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and RMAF’s Hawk aircraft.

A total of 600 people were involved in the OSTEX EAST 1/22 exercise this time. OSTEX EAST 1/22 this time emphasizes on skills training such as communication, navigation, warfare and also maritime knowledge for the purpose of improving the competencies of the crew. At the same time, the RMN ships also demonstrated their presence in the waters of the South China Sea, especially the waters of Sarawak.

Among the assets of RMN and RMAF involved were KD PERAK, KD SUNDANG, KD BADIK, KD TODAK, KD SERANG, KD GANAS, KD BAUNG, KD TUN RAZAK, RMN Combat Boat, SQN 501 FENNEC Helicopter belonging to the RMN and 2 HAWK aircraft belonging to RMAF. For the first time, this exercise was also joined by the UAS 601 Squadron.



Latihan OSTEX EAST 1/22 telah berjaya dilaksanakan di Laut China Selatan. Latihan selama 12 hari bermula 14 Mac 22 lalu melibatkan aset-aset TLDM di Armada Timur dan TUDM Labuan seperti Kapal Kelas Peronda, Kapal Kelas LMS, Kapal Pembinasa Laju, Helikopter Fennec milik TLDM, Kapal Selam, Scan Eagle Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) dan pesawat Hawk milik TUDM.

Seramai 600 orang telah terlibat dalam latihan OSTEX EAST 1/22 kali ini. Latihan OSTEX EAST 1/22 pada kali ini memberi penekanan terhadap latihan kemahiran seperti komunikasi, navigasi, peperangan dan juga ilmu kelautan bagi tujuan meningkatkan kompetensi warga kapal. Pada yang sama, kapal-kapal TLDM turut memperagakan kehadiran di perairan Laut China Selatan khususnya perairan Sarawak.

Antara aset-aset TLDM dan TUDM terlibat adalah KD PERAK, KD SUNDANG, KD BADIK, KD TODAK, KD SERANG, KD GANAS, KD BAUNG, KD TUN RAZAK, Bot Tempur TLDM, SKN 501 Helikopter FENNEC milik TLDM dan 2 pesawat HAWK milik TUDM. Buat julung kalinya, eksesais ini turut disertai oleh Skuadron 601 UAS.
