Change of Appointment for Senior Army Officers Parade & Ceremony 27th June 202228th June 2022 SUNGAI BESI, 27 June 2022 – The Chief of Army (COA), General Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose bin Mohd Zain has witnessed the Senior Officers Change of Appointment Ceremony which involves the handover of duties of Army Chief of Staff, Assistant Chief of Staff Human Resources, Chief Signals Officer and Chairman of the General Service Corps at Zulkifeli Zin Hall, Wisma Perwira Tentera Darat today. The ceremony began with the change of appointment ceremony of the Chief of Staff of the Army, between Lieutenant General Dato’ Haji Subari bin Haji Tomo and Major General Dato’ Mohd Sofi bin Md Lepi. Next was the handing over the duties of the Assistant Chief of Staff of Human Resources, Major General Dato’ Mohd Sofi bin Md Lepi and Major General Azhan bin Haji Md Othman. The ceremony continued with the handover of the duties of the Chief Signals Officer between Major General Dato’ Ahmad Saifuddin bin Talha and Brigadier General Tuan Azharan bin Tuan Putra. At the end of the ceremony, there was a handover ceremony of the duties of the Chairman of the General Service Corps between Major General Dato’ Nazri bin Abu Bakar (Retired) and Brigadier General Zamzuri bin Harun. All members of the Malaysian Army congratulate the senior officers who have been entrusted to hold the reins of the new leadership. Hopefully with this newly entrusted trust, the TDM organization will continue to be led and driven towards better excellence in the future. Such a ceremony is synonymous with the Third Pillar of the 28th COA Superior Order, namely “Preservation of Citizens’ Well-Being”, which focuses on giving recognition to the excellence of the service of the officers celebrated. #TenteraDaratMalaysia#GagahSetia#TonggakKetiga SERAH MENYERAH TUGAS PEGAWAI KANAN BAHARU TD : MEMACU BERSAMA KECEMERLANGAN TD SUNGAI BESI, 27 Jun 2022 – Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose bin Mohd Zain telah menyempurnakan Acara Serah Terima Tugas Pegawai Kanan yang melibatkan serah terima tugas Ketua Staf Tentera Darat, Asisten Ketua Staf Sumber Manusia, Ketua Pegawai Semboyan dan Pengerusi Kor Perkhidmatan Am di Dewan Zulkifeli Zin, Wisma Perwira Tentera Darat pada hari ini. Majlis dimulakan dengan acara serah terima tugas Ketua Staf Tentera Darat, di antara Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Haji Subari bin Haji Tomo dan Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Mohd Sofi bin Md Lepi. Seterusnya serah terima tugas Asisten Ketua Staf Sumber Manusia, Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Mohd Sofi bin Md Lepi dan Mejar Jeneral Azhan bin Haji Md Othman. Majlis diteruskan lagi dengan acara serah terima tugas Ketua Pegawai Semboyan di antara Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Ahmad Saifuddin bin Talha dan Brigedier Jeneral Tuan Azharan bin Tuan Putra. Diakhir majlis ini turut menyaksikan acara serah terima tugas Pengerusi Kor Perkhidmatan Am di antara Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Nazri bin Abu Bakar (Bersara) dan Brigedier Jeneral Zamzuri bin Harun. Seluruh warga Tentera Darat Malaysia mengucapkan tahniah kepada barisan pegawai kanan yang telah diberikan kepercayaan untuk memegang tampuk kepimpinan baharu. Semoga dengan amanah yang baharu dipertanggungjawabkan ini, organisasi TDM akan terus dipimpin dan dipacu ke arah kecemerlangan yang lebih baik pada masa mendatang. Majlis sebegini adalah sinonim dengan dengan Tonggak Ketiga Perintah Ulung PTD Ke-28 iaitu “Pelestarian Kesejahteraan Warga”, yang memfokuskan kepada pemberian pengiktirafan di atas kecemerlangan khidmat bakti para pegawai yang diraikan. TenteraDaratMalaysia GagahSetia TonggakKetiga Like this:Like Loading... Related