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Closing Ceremony of Exercise LAND THAMAL 25/2022

JITRA, 13 August 2022 – LAND THAMAL is a Bilateral Exercise held once a year with alternating hosts between the Malaysian Army (TDM) and Royal Thai Army (RTA). In this year’s Exercise Series 25/2022, it was hosted by TDM. The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen bilateral relations in addition to sharing knowledge related to Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) of Country-Insurgency Warfare (CIW).

This exercise was carried out for 11 days starting from 4 to 14 August 2022 involving a total of 21 Officers and 245 Other Ranks consisting of the Perpetrator Team (2 x Platoon from 2nd Border Regiment), the Enemy Team (4th Border Regiment) and the Support Team while a total of 6 Officers and 39 RTA other ranks consisting of the Perpetrator Team (1 x Platoon 2nd Bn 5th Inf Regt ). This event was held at 5th Border Regiment Bukit Kayu Hitam Camp and Hutan Lipur General Area, Bukit Wang, Jitra, Kedah. This exercise was implemented in 3 phases, namely the First Phase Cross Training Exercise (CTX), the Second Phase Field Training Exercise (FTX) and the Third Phase is Combined Military Civil Action (CMCA).

The closing ceremony of this ex was completed jointly by the 2 Div Commander, Maj Gen Dato’ Haji Muhammad Huzaimi bin Sabri and 5th Infantry Division Commander RTA, Maj Gen Woradet Detrugsa on August 13, 2022 at the General Area of Hutan Lipur, Bukit Wang, Jitra, Kedah. Also present in this Closing Ceremony were the Commander of 30 Bde, Brig Gen Mohd Zaki bin Abu, 5th Infantry Regiment Commander RTA, Senior Col Tanitpon Hongwilai, HQ Army Western Field Command representative, Col Burhan bin Sagoni, delegation from RTA and CO/commanders from 2 Div.

The 2 Div Commander in his closing speech stated that Ex LAND THAMAL not only benefits the troops involved, but it can also lead to an increase in the interoperability capabilities of the two countries and an increase in cooperative relations among all levels of officers and members involved.

This is in line with the Fourth Pillar of the 28th Army Commander’s Prime Command, which is “Strengthening Defence Relations” which focuses on aspects of defense cooperation with regional countries.

  • Headquarters of the Second Malaysian Infantry Division MalaysianArmy


JITRA, 13 Ogos 2022 – Eks LAND THAMAL merupakan Eksesais Bilateral yang diadakan setahun sekali dengan hos penganjuran secara bergilir diantara Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) dan Royal Thai Army (RTA). Pada Eksesais Siri 25/2022 tahun ini, ianya telah dihoskan oleh TDM. Tujuan latihan ini diadakan bagi mengeratkan hubungan dua hala di samping berkongsi ilmu pengetahuan berkaitan Taktik, Teknik dan Prosedur (TTP) Peperangan Melawan Insurgensi (PMI).

Eks ini dilaksanakan selama 11 hari bermula daripada 4 hingga 14 Ogos 2022 melibatkan seramai 21 Pegawai dan 245 Anggota LLP TDM yang terdiri daripada Tim Pelaku (2 x Platun 2 RS), Tim Musuh (4 RS) dan Tim Sokongan manakala seramai 6 Pegawai dan 39 Anggota LLP RTA yang terdiri daripada Tim Pelaku (1 x Platun 2nd Bn 5th Inf Regt ). Eks ini dilaksanakan bertempat di 5 RS Kem Bukit Kayu Hitam dan Kawasan Am Hutan Lipur, Bukit Wang, Jitra, Kedah. Eks ini dilaksanakan dalam 3 fasa iaitu Fasa Pertama Cross Training Exersice (CTX), Fasa Kedua Field Training Exersice (FTX) dan Fasa Ketiga adalah Combined Militiry Civil Action (CMCA).

Perasmian Penutup eks ini telah disempurnakan secara bersama oleh Panglima 2 Div, Mej Jen Dato’ Haji Muhammad Huzaimi bin Sabri dan 5th Infantry Division Commander RTA, Maj Gen Woradet Detrugsa pada 13 Ogos 2022 bertempat di Kawasan Am Hutan Lipur, Bukit Wang, Jitra, Kedah. Turut hadir dalam Majlis Penutupan ini adalah Panglima 30 Bgd, Brig Jen Mohd Zaki bin Abu, 5th Infantry Regiment Commander RTA, Senior Col Tanitpon Hongwilai, wakil MK PMBTD, Kol Burhan bin Sagoni, delegasi daripada RTA dan Peg Mem/Pem Tp Div di bawah naungan Formasi 2 Div.

Panglima 2 Div dalam ucapan penutup menyatakan bahawa Eks LAND THAMAL bukan sahaja memberi manfaat kepada tentera yang terlibat, tetapi ia juga dapat membawa kepada peningkatan keupayaan interoperabiliti dua buah negara dan peningkatan hubungan kerjasama di kalangan di semua peringkat pegawai dan anggota yang terlibat.

Eks sebegini adalah sejajar dengan Tonggak Keempat Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu “Pengukuhan Hubungan Pertahanan” yang memberi tumpuan kepada aspek kepada kerjasama pertahanan bersama negara serantau.

  • Markas Divisyen Kedua Infantri Malaysia