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Fulfilling Obligations through Postal Voting

SABAH: The Commanding Officer of the Seventh Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (7 RMR) along with its officers and members who are currently operating at the national border have carried out postal vote on 11 Nov 2022.

The implementation of the postal ballot went smoothly and under control and was assisted by Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Aircraft.

MAF Postal Vote

In order to fulfill their obligations as citizens, members of the Army (TD) who are on critical duty such as operating in strategic areas and national demarcation cast their votes by postal ballot according to the date set by the Election Commission (SPR)

MAF Postal Vote

The implementation of this postal vote is in line with the Third Pillar of the 28th Army Commander’s Supreme Command which is the Preservation of Citizens’ Well-being by ensuring that all levels of members fulfill their obligations to the country.

Also present was the Commander of the Fifth Malaysian Infantry Brigade, Brig Gen Saiful Bahari Zainol.


MAF Postal Vote

SABAH: Pegawai Memerintah Batalion Ketujuh Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (7 RAMD) bersama-sama para pegawai dan anggotanya yang sedang beroperasi di perbatasan negara telah melaksanakan undi pos pada 11 Nov 2022.

Pelaksanaan undi pos berjalan dengan lancar dan terkawal serta dibantu oleh Pesawat Udara Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM).

MAF Postal Vote

Bagi memenuhi kewajipan sebagai warganegara, anggota Tentera Darat (TD) yang sedang dalam tugas kritikal seperti beroperasi di kawasan strategik dan persempadanan negara membuang undi secara undi pos mengikut tarikh yang ditetapkan oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR)

MAF Postal Vote

Pelaksanaan undi pos ini sejajar dengan Tonggak Ketiga Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Pelestarian Kesejahteraan Warga dengan memastikan semua peringkat anggota menunaikan kewajipan mereka pada negara.

Turut hadir, Panglima Briged Kelima Infantri Malaysia, Brig Jen Saiful Bahari Zainol.
