KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Nov 2022 – ACOS Ops and Training Division Maj Gen Dato’ Zaidan bin Atan has chaired the 4th JMCC 2022 Meeting which took place at Minda Satu Meeting Room of Wisma Perwira MAF.

A total of 10 Senior Officers from the UAE Delegation participated in this meeting led by Maj Gen Dr. Engr. Mubarak Saeed Ghafan Al Jabri – Assistant Undersecretary for Support & Defense Industries (UAE MINDEF).

The main objective of organizing this meeting is to Strengthen Diplomatic Relations in an effort to strengthen the cooperative relationship between MAF and the UAE AF.

The bilateral meeting which took place from 28-30 Nov 22 also aims to identify the military engagement involving these two countries for the year 2023.

This JMCC also involves service representatives from JFHQ, BPK and MDIO for the planning and implementation of next year’s activities.

Earlier, the Head of the UAE Delegation, Maj Gen Dr. Engr. Mubarak Saeed Ghafan Al Jabri also had the opportunity to pay a courtesy call on the MAF Headquarters Chief of Staff, Lt Gen Datuk Arman Rumaizi bin Hj Ahmad at his office. This visit is an outstanding visit held in conjunction with the organization of the 4th JMCC Meeting 2022 in Malaysia.



KUALA LUMPUR, 29 Nov 2022 – AKS BOLP Mej Jen Dato’ Zaidan bin Atan telah mempengerusikan Mesyuarat 4th JMCC 2022 yang berlangsung di Bilik Mesyuarat Minda Satu Wisma Perwira ATM.

Seramai 10 Pegawai Kanan dari Delegasi UAE telah turut serta dalam sidang mesyuarat ini yang diketuai oleh Mej Jen Dr. Engr. Mubarak Saeed Ghafan Al Jabri – Assisstant Undersecretary for Support & Defence Industries (UAE MINDEF).

Objektif utama penganjuran mesyuarat ini adalah Mengeratkan Hubungan Diplomatik dalam usaha memperkukuhkan hubungan kerjasama diantara ATM dan UAE AF khasnya.

Program mesyuarat bilateral yang berlangsung dari 28-30 Nov 22 ini juga antara lain bermatlamat untuk mengenal pasti engagement ketenteraan yang melibatkan kedua-dua negara ini bagi tahun 2023.

JMCC ini juga melibatkan wakil-wakil perkhidmatan dari MK AB, BPK dan MDIO untuk perancangan dan perlaksanaan aktiviti tahun depan.

Terdahulu, Ketua Delegasi UAE, Mej Jen Dr. Engr. Mubarak Saeed Ghafan Al Jabri turut berkesempatan membuat kunjungan hormat ke atas Ketua Staf Markas ATM, Lt Jen Datuk Arman Rumaizi bin Hj Ahmad bertempat di pejabat beliau. Kunjungan ini adalah merupakan kunjungan ulung yang diadakan bersempena dengan penganjuran Mesyuarat 4th JMCC 2022 di Malaysia.



Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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