MELAKA: The Western Field Engineer Commander, Col Ir Thevendran CS Maniam has officiated the opening ceremony of Exercise MANTIS Series 9/2023 at the Parade Ground of the 12th Squadron, Royal Engineer Regiment (CBRNe) (12 Skn RAJD (CBRNe)) on 19 Jan 2023.

A total of seven officers and 77 members of other ranks were involved in this parade which started with the singing of the Army Song and the application of the arm band for the exercise participants before continuing with the exercise briefing at the 12 Skn RAJD (CBRNe) Operations Room.

This exercise, which involves the Canadian Special Operation Forces Command (CANSOFCOM), will take place from 16 January to 22 March 2023 to test the capabilities of the Combat Team, CBRN Team, CIED Team and Medical Team.

Also present were Canadian Defense Advisor, Lt Col Jason King and Commanding Officer of the 22 Commando Regiment, Col Normin Mohd Shahar as well as observer representatives from the Royal Malaysian Navy and Royal Malaysian Air Force.


MELAKA: Komander Jurutera Medan Barat (KJMB), Kol Ir Thevendran CS Maniam telah menyempurnakan pembukaan Eksesais MANTIS Siri 9/2023 di Padang Kawad 12 Skuadron Rejimen Askar Jurutera Diraja (CBRNe) (12 Skn RAJD (CBRNe)) pada 19 Jan 2023.

Seramai tujuh pegawai dan 77 anggota Lain-lain Pangkat (LLP) terlibat dalam perbarisan ini yang dimulakan dengan Nyanyian Lagu Tentera Darat dan pemakaian toha kepada pelaku eksesais sebelum diteruskan dengan taklimat eksesais di Bilik Gerakan 12 Skn RAJD (CBRNe).

Eksesais ini melibatkan Canadian Special Operation Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) yang akan bella grungy dari 16 Jan hingga 22 Mac 2023 bagi menguji tahap keupayaan pasukan-pasukan Tim Penggempur, Tim CBRN, Tim CIED dan Tim Medikal.

Turut hadir, Canadian Defence Advisor, Lt Col Jason King dan Pegawai Memerintah Rejimen 22 Komando, Kol Normin Mohd Shahar serta wakil pemerhati dari Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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