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Exercise DESERT TIGER 6/23 – Competency Test for Rapid Deployment Force in UAE

MELAKA 6 Feb 2203: The Commander of the 10th Brigade (Para), Brig Gen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal completed the ceremony of handing over the Army Flag to the Commanding Officer of the Ninth Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (9 RMR (Para)) as well as delivering the mandate to the companies involved in the Exercise DESERT TIGER Series 6/23 in the United Arab Emirates.

In preparation, this company has carried out Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) in Exercise URBAN TIGER Series 1/23 in the general area of Terendak Camp involving tactical infiltration by Air Assault, followed by Ground Tactical Manoeuver before carrying out the offensive and defensive phases in the context of Operation in Build-Up Area (OBUA) since a month ago.

In his speech, the Commander of 10 Bde (Para), also reminded to display a high level of professionalism and discipline in order to maintain the good name of the Army in general and 10 Bde (Para) in particular throughout the Exercises carried out from 8 February to 1 March 2023 in the UAE.

The Bilateral Exercise that will give exposure to operations in the desert to increase the knowledge and competence of the members in addition to strengthening the military relationship between the two countries.

Also present, Deputy Commander 10 Bde (Para), Staff Officer HQ 10 Bde (Para), DESERT TIGER Exercise Delegation Team Series 6/23 and SMR 10 Bde (Para).


MELAKA: Panglima Briged Ke-10 (Para), Brig Jen Khairul Azmizal Ahmad Natal menyempurnakan acara penyerahan Bendera Tentera Darat (TD) kepada Pegawai Memerintah Batalion Kesembilan Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (9 RAMD (Para)) serta menyampaikan mandat kepada Kompeni yang terlibat Eksesais DESERT TIGER Siri 6/23 di Emeriah Arab Bersatu bertempat di 9 RAMD (Para) pada 6 Feb 2023.

Sebagai persediaan, kompeni ini telah melaksanakan Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) dalam Eksesais URBAN TIGER Siri 1/23 di kawasan am Kem Terendak melibatkan aturgerak penyusupan taktikal secara Air Assault, seterusnya Ground Tactical Manoeuver sebelum melaksanakan fasa ofensif dan defensif dalam konteks Operation in Build-Up Area (OBUA) sejak sebulan lalu.

Dalam ucapan Panglima 10 Bgd (Para), turut mengingatkan supaya mempamerkan tahap profesionalisme dan disiplin yang tinggi demi menjaga nama baik TD amnya dan 10 Bgd (Para) khususnya sepanjang Eksesais dilaksanakan bermula 8 Feb hingga 1 Mac 2023 di UAE.

Eksesais Bilateral yang bakal diadakan ini adalah bagi memberi pendedahan operasi di padang pasir bagi menambahkan pengetahuan dan kompetensi anggota di samping mengeratkan hubungan ketenteraan antara kedua negara ianya juga sejajar dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung PTD Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan.

Turut hadir, Timbalan Panglima 10 Bgd (Para), Pegawai Staf MK 10 Bgd (Para), Tim Delegasi Eksesais DESERT TIGER Siri 6/23 dan SMR 10 Bgd (Para).
