Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Visits Exercise HANCUR BADAN 1/2023 Ops & Training 6th March 20236th March 2023 JOHOR: The Commander of Army Training, Maj Gen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim was accompanied by the Commandant of the Army Training Center (PULADA), Brig Gen Zulmadi Ariffin and the Doctrine Col of the Army Training and Doctrine Command Headquarters (MK PLDTD), Col Norulhisyam Md. Syuib visited the Exercise HANCUR BADAN Series 1/23 located at Camp Asahan, Gemas on 2 March 2023. The Training Commander was briefed on the execution of the exercise by the Head of the Tactics Branch of the Company Commander, Maj Muhammad Musyawwir Che Azuan before continuing with the survey according to their respective defense posts. He also saw the implementation of defense routines such as combat patrols, delivery of orders and other defense routines. This exercise has involved a total of 31 officers from the Company Leader Course and 109 Other Ranks from the Platoon Assistant Leader Tactics Course as well as the assistance of One Reconnaissance Section, One Auxiliary Weapons Platoon from the Fifth Battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment (5 RAMD) and assistance of One Platoon from 14 RMR (Mech). HANCUR BADAN 1/23 starts from 28 February 2023 to 7 March 2023 with the concept of Field Training Exercise (FTX) to test the ability and knowledge of the students regarding the implementation of conventional warfare and further improve knowledge in tactical aspects, mobility and firepower. This activity is in line with the First Pillar of the 28th Army Chief’s Supreme Command which is Mission Continuity and Readiness. EKSESAIS HANCUR BADAN SIRI 1/2023 UJI TAHAP KOMPETENSI PENUNTUT KURSUS KETUA KOMPENI DAN KURSUS TAKTIK PENOLONG KETUA PLATUN JOHOR: Panglima Latihan Tentera Darat, Mej Jen Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi Tengku Ibrahim diiringi oleh Komandan Pusat Latihan Tempur Tentera Darat (PULADA), Brig Jen Zulmadi Ariffin dan Kol Doktrin Markas Pemerintahan Latihan dan Doktrin Tentera Darat (MK PLDTD), Kol Norulhisyam Md Syuib melakukan lawatan ke atas Eksesais HANCUR BADAN Siri 1/23 bertempat di Kem Asahan, Gemas pada 2 Mac 2023. Panglima Latihan telah diberi taklimat pelaksanaan eksesais oleh Ketua Cawangan Taktik Ketua Kompeni, Mej Muhammad Musyawwir Che Azuan sebelum diteruskan dengan tinjauan mengikut pos pertahanan masing-masing. Beliau juga melihat pelaksanaan rutin pertahanan seperti ronda tempur, penyampaian perintah dan rutin pertahanan yg lain. Eksesais ini telah melibatkan seramai 31 pegawai dari Kursus Ketua Kompeni dan 109 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) dari Kursus Taktik Penolong Ketua Platun serta bantuan Satu Seksyen Tinjau, Satu Platun Senjata Bantuan dari Batalion Kelima Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (5 RAMD) dan bantuan Satu Platun dari 14 RAMD (Mek). Eksesais HANCUR BADAN Siri 1/23 ini bermula dari 28 Feb 2023 hingga 7 Mac 2023 berkonsepkan Field Training Exercise (FTX) bagi menguji keupayaan dan pengetahuan penuntut berkenaan pelaksanaan peperangan konvensional dan seterusnya meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam aspek taktikal, mobiliti dan kuasa tembakan. Aktiviti ini sejajar dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan. Like this:Like Loading... Related