SINGAPORE, 14 March 2023 – The Chief of the Army (COA), General Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose bin Mohd Zain has paid a Retirement Visit to Singapore today.

The COA Working Visit Series began with a courtesy visit on the Singapore Chief of Defence Force, Lieutenant General Melvyn Ong Su Kiat, Chief of the Singapore Army, Major General David Neo and later the Minister of Defence Singapore, Dr Ng Eng Hen as a sign of appreciation for having established diplomatic relations good defense between Malaysia-Singapore.

Military diplomatic relations involving these two countries are in line with the Fourth Pillar of the 28th COA Prime Order, which is ‘Strengthening Defence Relations’ through defence cooperation with friendly countries.



SINGAPURA, 14 Mac 2023 – Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose bin Mohd Zain telah mengadakan Kunjungan Hormat Persaraan ke Singapura hari ini.

Siri Lawatan Kerja PTD dimulakan Kunjungan Hormat ke atas Chief of Defence Force Singapore, Lieutenant General Melvyn Ong Su Kiat, Chief Of Singapore Army, Major General David Neo dan kemudiannya Minister of Defence Singapore, Dr Ng Eng Hen sebagai tanda penghargaan kerana telah menjalinkan hubungan diplomatik pertahanan yang baik di antara Malaysia-Singapore.

Hubungan diplomatik ketenteraan yang melibatkan dua negara ini adalah sejajar dengan Tonggak Keempat Perintah Ulung PTD Ke-28 iaitu ‘Pengukuhan Hubungan Pertahanan’ melalui kerjasama pertahanan dengan negara-negara sahabat.

Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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