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Exercise JUNGLE FALCON 1/23 Proofs Strong Brotherly Relationship between Malaysian Army and the UAE Land Forces (UAELF)

Jungle Falcon

16 July 2023 – HM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong agreed to witness the final demonstration and closing ceremony of Exercise Jungle Falcon Series 1/2023 between the Malaysian Army (TDM) and the United Arab Emirates Land Forces (UAELF) at the palm plantation in Felda Panching Selatan, Kuantan, Pahang this morning.

Also accompanying were His Royal Highness the Regent of Pahang Tengku Mahkota Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah and YAM Tengku Arif Bendahara Tengku Muhammad Iskandar Ri’ayatuddin Shah.

Also present, Minister of Defence YB Dato’ Seri Mohamad Hasan, Chief of Defence Force YBhg. General Tan Sri Affendi Buang, UAE Ambassador to Malaysia His Excellency Khalid Ghanim Al Ghaith, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Eisa Saif Al Mazrouei and Pahang Chief Minister Dato’ Sri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail.

His Majesty, as the supreme commander of the Malaysian Armed Forces, has agreed to witness a war demonstration by the TDM together with the UAELF in the strategy of capturing the enemy by using the military assets belonging to the TDM.

His Majesty said, the exercise is proof of the strong brotherly relationship between Malaysia and the UAE. It also opens up opportunities to share knowledge and skills in addition to giving the UAELF the opportunity to gain experience operating in tropical climates.

His Royal Highness expressed the hope that this training will give a valuable memory and can be proud of the good implementation even though it was held in a palm oil plantation and not in the forest.

His Majesty also expressed appreciation and thanks to 4 Brigade (Mechanized) and also expressed the hope that good relations between the two countries can be maintained.

His Royal Highness was also concerned about being friendly with all officers and members of TDM and UAELF who were involved in the exercise.

The Jungle Falcon exercise is one of TDM’s successes in realizing the military understanding that was agreed upon by the TDM leadership with the UAELF in Abu Dhabi, on October 31 last year.

The exercise also seeks to open up space for the TDM to share skills, experience and knowledge together with the UAELF’s strategic military partners in conventional warfare.

Previously, a bilateral exercise between the TDM and the UAELF, namely Desert Tiger Exercise Series 6/2023, was held at Al Hamra Combat Training Center, Abu Dhabi from 8 to 27 February 2023.

16 Julai 2023 – KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong berkenan berangkat menyaksikan demonstrasi akhir dan majlis penutup Eksesais Jungle Falcon Siri 1/2023 antara Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) dengan United Arab Emirates Land Forces (UAELF) di ladang sawit Felda Panching Selatan, Kuantan, Pahang pagi hari ini.

Turut berangkat, KDYMM Pemangku Raja Pahang Tengku Mahkota Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah dan YAM Tengku Arif Bendahara Tengku Muhammad Iskandar Ri’ayatuddin Shah.

Hadir sama, Menteri Pertahanan YB Dato’ Seri Mohamad Hasan, Panglima Angkatan Tentera YBhg. Jeneral Tan Sri Affendi Buang, Duta Besar UAE ke Malaysia Tuan Yang Terutama Khalid Ghanim Al Ghaith, Ketua Staf Angkatan Tentera Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE) Leftenan Jeneral Eisa Saif Al Mazrouei dan Menteri Besar Pahang Dato’ Sri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail.

Seri Paduka Baginda, selaku pemerintah tertinggi Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, telah berkenan menyaksikan demonstrasi peperangan oleh TDM bersama-sama UAELF dalam strategi menawan musuh dengan menggunakan aset ketenteraan milik TDM.

Seri Paduka Baginda bertitah, latihan itu adalah bukti hubungan persaudaraan terus kukuh di antara Malaysia dan UAE. lanya juga membuka peluang perkongsian ilmu dan kemahiran selain memberi peluang kepada UAELF mendapat pengalaman beroperasi di kawasan iklim tropika.

Seri Paduka Baginda menzahirkan harapan agar latihan ini akan memberi satu kenangan yang berharga dan boleh dibanggakan atas pelaksanaan yang cukup baik walaupun ianya diadakan dalam ladang kelapa sawit dan bukan dalam hutan.

Seri Paduka Baginda turut menzahirkan ucapan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada 4 Briged (Mekanize) dan juga menzahirkan harapan agar hubungan baik antara kedua-dua negara dapat dikekalkan.

Seri Paduka Baginda turut berkenaan beramah mesra dengan semua pegawai dan anggota TDM serta UAELF yang terlibat dalam eksesais tersebut.

Eksesais Jungle Falcon adalah salah satu kejayaan TDM dalam merealisasikan persefahaman ketenteraan yang telah dipersetujui pucuk pimpinan TDM bersama UAELF di Abu Dhabi, pada 31 Oktober tahun lalu.

Eksesais itu juga berupaya membuka ruang kepada TDM untuk berkongsi kemahiran, pengalaman dan pengetahuan bersama dengan rakan strategik ketenteraan UAELF dalam aspek peperangan secara konvensional.

Sebelum ini, eksesais dua hala antara TDM dengan UAELF iaitu Eksesais Desert Tiger Siri 6/2023 telah dilaksanakan di Al Hamra Combat Training Center, Abu Dhabi pada 8 hingga 27 Februari 2023.
