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Appointment of Lieutenant General Datuk Mohd Razali Alias as New Director-General of Defence Intelligence Signals a New Chapter for MDIO

KUALA LUMPUR, 1 December – Lieutenant General Datuk Mohd Razali Alias has been appointed as the new Director-General of Defence Intelligence (DGDI), succeeding Lieutenant General Datuk Ahmad Norihan Jalal.

This appointment makes Mohd Razali Alias the 18th Director-General of the Malaysian Defence Intelligence Organisation (MDIO), formerly known as the Defence Intelligence Staff Division (DISD).

The handover ceremony between Lt Gen Ahmad Norihan and Lt Gen Mohd Razali was witnessed by the Chief of Defence Force, General Tan Sri Mohammad Ab Rahman at the MDIO Parade Ground today.

In his speech, he expressed appreciation to every level in MDIO for their support and cooperation in leading this defence intelligence agency.

He added that he believes all MDIO members will continue this legacy with the same spirit, and even more brilliantly under the new leadership.

“Continue your efforts with integrity and professionalism. Remember that our work may not always be seen, but the impact is always felt. You are the backbone of our national defence.

“Dedication and commitment to the security and sovereignty of the country are our most valuable assets.

“Throughout my career, I have witnessed many changes and challenges, but what remains unchanged is our commitment to safeguarding the security and safety of our country. I am proud of what we have achieved together,” he added.

Earlier, the handover of the DGDI duties began with a parade involving 12 officers and 105 members led by Lieutenant Colonel Geospecialist Mohamad Wasli Musa from the Geoint Branch.

The parade was accompanied by the Royal Signals Regiment Brass Band led by Captain Nurul Fatin Hajar Ismadi and assisted by Drum Major SSjn Farziana Adam.

Datuk Ahmad Norihan then took the salute before inspecting the parade involving 2 Detachments from among the MDIO members.

The ceremony ended with a lunch and a street-lining event as a symbolic tribute from MDIO members, especially to the outgoing 17th Director-General of Defence Intelligence.
