LUMUT, 4th Dec – Deputy Commander of the Western Fleet, Rear Admiral Fadhil bin Abdul Rahman, inaugurated the Opening Ceremony of Exercise TAMING SARI Series 22 for the year 2023 (EKS TAMING SARI 22/23) at the Zain Auditorium, Maritime Tactical Center (PUSTAKMAR), RMN Lumut Base today.

EKS TAMING SARI is a missile firing exercise by RMN combat assets to assess the capabilities and readiness of guided missile systems on ships, as well as the competence level of The Navy People.

This exercise is scheduled to take place from 4th to 16th December 2023, employing the missile firing concept of Exocet MM40 salvo by two firing ships, KD LEKIU and KD LEKIR, in the northern waters of the Strait of Malacca.

In addition to missile firing, EKS TAMING SARI 22/23 will also test the capabilities of other involved assets. A total of 14 ships, 8 boats, and 12 aircraft from RMN, Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), and Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) will participate in making this exercise a success.

In his speech, the Deputy Commander of the Western Fleet emphasized the importance for RMN to remain relevant in the context of maritime defense, considering the increasingly challenging geo-strategic landscape. He hopes that through EKS TAMING SARI 22/23, RMN’s combat power will be showcased, demonstrating its continued prowess in maritime defense – credible and capable of safeguarding the nation’s waters.

Furthermore, he urged all participants to show full commitment and exhibit the highest level of professionalism to ensure the success of the missile firing in this exercise.



LUMUT, 4 Dis – Timbalan Panglima Armada Barat, Laksamana Pertama Fadhil bin Abdul Rahman telah menyempurnakan Majlis Pembukaan Eksesais TAMING SARI Siri 22 Tahun 2023 (Eks TAMING SARI 22/23) di Auditorium Zain, Pusat Taktikal Maritim (PUSTAKMAR), Pangkalan TLDM Lumut hari ini.

Eks TAMING SARI merupakan latihan penembakan misil oleh aset kombatan TLDM bagi menguji keupayaan dan kesiapsiagaan sistem peluru berpandu di kapal serta tahap kompetensi The Navy People.

Eksesais kali ini dijadualkan bermula dari 4 hingga 16 Disember 2023 dengan menggunakan konsep penembakan misil Exocet MM40 salvo size two oleh dua buah kapal penembak iaitu KD LEKIU dan KD LEKIR di utara perairan Selat Melaka.

Selain penembakan misil, Eks TAMING SARI 22/23 turut menguji keupayaan aset-aset lain yang terlibat. Sebanyak 14 buah kapal, 8 bot dan 12 pesawat dari TLDM, Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) dan Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM) akan terlibat untuk menjayakan eksesais ini.

Dalam ucapannya, Timbalan Panglima Armada Barat menyatakan dengan lanskap geo-strategik yang semakin mencabar ketika ini, amat penting untuk Armada TLDM kekal relevan dalam konteks pertahanan maritim.

Beliau berharap agar melalui Eks TAMING SARI 22/23 akan mempamerkan keupayaan kuasa tempur TLDM sekaligus membuktikan bahawa ia masih lagi bertaring di arena pertahanan maritim, kredible dan mampu mempertahankan kedaulatan perairan negara.

Selain itu, beliau turut berpesan kepada kesemua peserta eksesais untuk sentiasa memberikan komitmen sepenuhnya dan mempamerkan tahap profesionalisme yang terbaik bagi menjayakan penembakan misil pada kali ini.




Published by P. Waran

A Warrant Officer with high seniority and extensive experience and knowledge.

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