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Opening of Exercise Tiger Strike 2024 Between 10th Brigade (Para) and 15th MEU, USMC

PAHANG: The Opening Ceremony of Exercise TIGER STRIKE 2024 was held on the flight deck of the USS SOMERSET in Kuantan Port, Pahang on May 29, 2024. The ceremony involved representatives from the 10th Brigade (Para), United States Marine Corps (USMC), and United States Navy.

Exercise TIGER STRIKE, Deputy Commander of the 10th Brigade (Para), Colonel Mohd Azral bin Manan,
Exercise TIGER STRIKE Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony was officiated by Deputy Commander of the 10th Brigade (Para), Colonel Mohd Azral bin Manan, Commanding Officer of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), Colonel Sean P. Dynan, and Commodore of the USS SOMERSET, Captain Michel C. Brandt.

In this year’s Exercise TIGER STRIKE, the 10th Brigade (Para) was tasked with conducting the exercise alongside the 15th MEU and USS SOMERSET in the Kuala Terengganu area. The exercise is based on Amphibious Operations and Air Assault Operations, which are key elements in the Blueprint Way Forward of the 10th Brigade (Para). The exercise will take place from May 29 to June 7, 2024.

In this year’s Exercise TIGER STRIKE, the 10th Brigade (Para) was tasked with conducting the exercise alongside the 15th MEU and USS SOMERSET in the Kuala Terengganu area. The exercise is based on Amphibious Operations and Air Assault Operations, which are key elements in the Blueprint Way Forward of the 10th Brigade (Para). The exercise will take place from May 29 to June 7, 2024.

This activity aligns with the Second and Fifth Pillars of the 30th Chief of Army’s directive, namely Joint Warfare Innovation and Defence Diplomacy Shift, as exemplified through this bilateral exercise between the Malaysian Army (TDM) and the United States Department of Defense (USDOD).


PAHANG: Upacara Pembukaan Eksesais TIGER STRIKE 2024 telah diadakan di flight deck USS SOMERSET di Pelabuhan Kuantan, Pahang pada 29 Mei 24. Upacara ini telah melibatkan wakil daripada 10 Bgd (Para), United States Marine Corps (USMC) dan United States Navy yang telah menyaksikan upacara pembukaan telah disempurnakan oleh Timbalan Panglima 10 Bgd (Para), Kol Mohd Azral bin Manan, Pegawai Memerintah 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), Col Sean P. Dynan dan Commodore USS SOMERSET, Capt Michel C. Brandt.

Pada Eksesais TIGER STRIKE kali ini, 10 Bgd (Para) telah diberi tanggungjawab bagi melaksanakan eksesais ini bersama 15th MEU dan USS SOMERSET di Kawasan Am Kuala Terengganu. Pelaksanaan eksesais ini berkonsepkan Operasi Amphibious dan Operasi Air Assault yang mana merupakan intipati dalam Blueprint Way Forward 10 Bgd (Para). Eksesais yang akan berlangsung mulai 29 Mei sehingga 7 Jun 24.

Pelaksanaan aktiviti ini sejajar dengan Teras Kedua dan Kelima Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-30 iaitu Inovasi Peperangan Bersama dan Anjakan Diplomasi Pertahanan yang telah diterjemahkan melalui pelaksanaan Eksesais Bilateral diantara TDM dan USDOD.

Sumber: Buletin 10 Briged (Para) – Official





