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Air Defence Readiness Tested in Exercise PANAH JAGUH 2024 in Johor

JOHOR, 2 June – The Chief of Army (COA), General Tan Sri Datoโ€™ Muhammad Hafizuddeain bin Jantan, officiated the closing ceremony of Exercise Panah Jaguh (EPJ) 2024 at the Ground-to-Air Firing Range (LSBU), Tanjung Logok, Johor today.

This exercise is the annual live-fire training of the Air Defence Artillery System to test the readiness of the Air Defence Artillery Group (GAPU), involving cooperation between the Malaysian Army, Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN), and Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).

The weapon systems tested included the 35mm Oerlikon Gun and the Starstreak Missile. The air attack simulation aimed to counter enemy air strikes, demonstrated using remote-controlled aircraft as targets.

The exercise continued with attacks on enemy aircraft to disrupt and prevent their advance with support from the 30mm Gempita from the 1st Royal Armoured Corps Regiment, the ACV 300 ADNAN 25mm from the 7th Royal Ranger Regiment (Mechanized), the G-WAGON HMG 12.7mm from the 6th Royal Ranger Regiment, and sniper teams using the BARRET 12.7mm from the Zulu Squadron, 21st Commando Regiment, and the Pandura (Para) Company.

Also present were the Deputy Chief of the Army (Dy COA), Lieutenant General Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi bin Tengku Ibrahim, Western Field Command Commander (WFCC), Lieutenant General Datoโ€™ Pahlawan Hj Muhammad Huzaimi bin Sabri, Eastern Field Command Commander (EFCC) Lieutenant General Dato’ Mohd Sofi bin Md Lepi, Chief of Staff of the Army, Lieutenant General Datoโ€™ Zaidan bin Atan, and other senior Malaysian Army officers.

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Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Datoโ€™ Muhammad Hafizuddeain bin Jantan telah menyempurnakan Penutup Eksesais Panah Jaguh (EPJ) Tahun 2024 di Lapang Sasar Bumi ke Udara (LSBU), Tanjung Logok, Johor pada hari ini.

Eks ini merupakan latihan tembakan tahunan Sistem Pertahanan Artileri Pertahanan Udara bagi menguji tahap kesiagaan pasukan Grup Artileri Pertahanan Udara (GAPU) melibatkan kerjasama antara Tentera Darat Malaysia, Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM).

Antara sistem persenjataan yang diuji adalah Meriam 35mm Oerlikon dan Misil Starstreak. Simulasi serangan udara ini merupakan tindakan bagi menghindar serangan udara musuh dan telah dipertontonkan dengan menggunakan pesawat kawalan jauh sebagai sasaran.

Diteruskan lagi dengan serangan ke arah pesawat musuh untuk mengganggu dan menghalang kemaraan musuh melalui bantuan Gempita 30mm dari Rejimen Pertama Kor Armor Diraja, ACV 300 ADNAN 25mm dari Batalion Ke-7 Rejimen Renjer Diraja (Mekanize), G -WAGON HMG 12.7mm dari Batalion Ke-6 Rejimen Renjer Diraja dan Tim sniper menggunakan senjata BARRET 12.7mm dari Unit Skuadron Zulu, Rejimen 21 Komando dan Kompeni Pandura (Para).

Turut hadir adalah Timbalan Panglima Tentera Darat (TPTD), Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Tengku Muhammad Fauzi bin Tengku Ibrahim, Panglima Medan Barat Tentera Darat (PMBTD), Leftenan Jeneral Datoโ€™ Pahlawan Hj Muhammad Huzaimi bin Sabri, Panglima Medan Timur Tentera Darat (PMTTD) Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Mohd Sofi bin Md Lepi, Ketua Staf Tentera Darat (KSTD), Leftenan Jeneral Datoโ€™ Zaidan bin Atan serta Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan TDM.



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